We Need Trees

Cycling around the world in support of environmental stewardship



When I entered to India with Bonne a guy from sweetzerland who also is cyclist ,the first thing we had seen was a long line of Indian workers on the same colour and on the samy work like a line of ants .it was intresting and difference ,so after that we biked ahead to Amritsar which has just 30km from border .along the way we saw a wedding party and we went there to see .they invited us to eat , woow wonderful Indian food and desers which were very nice and tasty .at the first day of India we tried some Indian food and also Indian wedding .

Some people who were dancing together and so many table and people . it was very nice to visit . after that we continued our way to Ambritsar and direcly we went to Golden Temple . in Golden Temple every forigners can stay free and they gave us a room to stay .also everynight they feed people as free and too many people come there to eat and also sleep . they give a bed and then they lied the bed in yard and sleep near eachother .sorry now I have no much time due to there is a special program in Temple and I lost it last night so I dont like to loos it again . tommarow I will write more .

9 Jan 2007


زمانی که من وارد هندوستان شدم با آقای بون مواجه شدم که ایشان هم دوچرخه سوار واهل سوئیس هستند و راهنمای منطقه .چون اکثر وقتشو به رکاب زدن میگذرونه

اولین چیزی که نظر منو در ابتدای ورودم به هند جلب کرد صفی طولانی از کارگرهای هندی بود که همگی با لباسهای یک رنگ ومنظم برای حمل بار ایستاده بودند وبرای من خیلی جالب بود

درادامه راه به طرف آمریت سار که طبق نقشه فقط سی کیلوکتر بامرز فاصله داره برخوردیم به یک مجلس عروسی باشکوه ورفتیم برای تماشا واز شانس خوبمون برای خوردن غذا دعوت شدیم

وووااای ی ی خدای من انواع غذاها ودسرهای عجیب وغریب هندی که با سلیقه ای بسیار زیبا تهیه شده بودند

واولین روز ورود به هند تجربه خوبی داشتیم از غذاها ومراسم عروسی هندیها

وتماشای رقص جالب هندیها باهمدیگه بسیار دوست داشتنی بود

در ادامه راه بطرف آمریت سار رسیدیم به معبد طلائی که دراین معبد هرغریبه ای میتونه بمونه واستراحت کنه واز غذای اونجا استفاده کنه که البته به ماهم یک اطاق دادند مثل باقی افرادی که برای گذراندن شب به اونجا میان

متاسفانه الان دیگه برای ادامه مطلب وقتی ندارم انشاالله بعدا بیشتر در مورد معبد طلائی خواهم نوشت

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Up to  December 2
Current location : Puerto Natales – Chile  
KMs cycled : 100,050 km
Days on the road : 4013
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

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November 17

After 6 amazing months in Argentina, I am in Chile now. At the moment I am far south in Punta Arena and will go north soon. I needed two days of complete rest and now I am just in a room doing almost nothing to recover my body and mind. Last month was very tense for me an da lot of work ( Of course traveling ) and my body forced me to shut down for two days. I will start cycling from Monday again.



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