

[[{“type”:”media”,”view_mode”:”media_original”,”fid”:”1239″,”attributes”:{“alt”:””,”class”:”media-image”,”height”:”400″,”style”:”float: left; margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 8px;”,”typeof”:”foaf:Image”,”width”:”300″}}]]Last day in Thailand was also rainy and I didnt have much cycling in that day ,so I arrived to Klong lai about noon and just I went there to use of internet and calling back home to inform them about my new after lunch and internet I cycled to the border about 15km and under was about 2pm that I was in the border and I went to Thai chek post to stamp my passport ,they told me at first I have to check with Cambodian check post,so I went there and I showed them my passport ,”oh Iran …let check it..” then they told me come inside.

I went inside the room and after they talked together ,told me you cant go Cambodia? “what ? I have visa and I can get inside without any problem…


[[{“type”:”media”,”view_mode”:”media_original”,”fid”:”1239″,”attributes”:{“alt”:””,”class”:”media-image”,”height”:”400″,”style”:”float: left; margin-top: 4px; margin-bottom: 4px; margin-left: 8px; margin-right: 8px;”,”typeof”:”foaf:Image”,”width”:”300″}}]]Last day in Thailand was also rainy and I didnt have much cycling in that day ,so I arrived to Klong lai about noon and just I went there to use of internet and calling back home to inform them about my new after lunch and internet I cycled to the border about 15km and under was about 2pm that I was in the border and I went to Thai chek post to stamp my passport ,they told me at first I have to check with Cambodian check post,so I went there and I showed them my passport ,”oh Iran …let check it..” then they told me come inside.

I went inside the room and after they talked together ,told me you cant go Cambodia? “what ? I have visa and I can get inside without any problem…your embassy in Kualalampur thought about it ,then they gave me visa,so I can go inside and you cant stop me,just you have to stamp it”then they made some calls and ….”ok we can stamp your visa for 10 days..” and I saied” sorry ,you cant due toi I have Tourist visa and it is for one month,so I can stay there full one month.”again they made some calls and they told me boss told that you cant stay there one month and just 10 days…I instinced and I told them that just one month,if you cant do it give me back my passport ,I will go back Bangkok to your embassy and complain them about worked and they started another story…the expire date of my visa was 17th July and they told me ok but your visa will finish on 17th and you have get off the country befor that…”hey man come on..the expire dat it means that I have to get inside befor that and even I can come Cambodia on 16th and stay here one month,it dosnt mean that I have leave before 17th..” but they were on they point and after making some more calls again NO..and finally they told me that you can give me just 10 days.

It was impossible for me and I didnt let them to do that so just asked them to give me back my passport and I became ready to go Bangkok,when they saw that I am leaving they made some more calls and finally told me bring some copy of your passport and the man asked me to go to another room,I went there and there was some copy machins,but he said that I have to go out to get copy,and finally he did his last point and told me..”ok I helped you ,so you have to help me..”it was completly clear what he was looking for and my answered was NO,I wont pay anything.he asked my 1000 Baht which is almost price of visa,but I was not going to pay any.and I told him sorry ,I belive that it is so bad to pay and I wont pay anything…”I made many calls and I paied alot for you ,..” ok I will pay just 100 for your phon and nothing more.

If you cant do it dosnt matter give me my passport.meanwhile they asked me how much money you have and some boulshit questions about money,and I answered them” hey man a Persian dosnt go anywhere without money..we are rich in our country and we have money for traveling,ok so I have enough money for your country and when I am traveling for long time,it means that I have money for”..but it was not last point of story and they asked me to sign a paper that I have enough money for Cambodia!!! “ok Mohammad it is part of trip and you have duty to do this trip ,so just ignore it and continue,dont let them make you tired and dont think of them,just go ahead..”finally I left border about 4:30pm and just I cycled ahead to Koh kong which is nearest city to the border.

Just when I left border one motor bike run to me and asked me about where are you going and where are you come from and …..and in the other hand I asked him some questions about Cambodia,roads and places and he answered them all patintly,also I asked him about a place to stay there and he was willing to show me ,in every new country first day is the day of confusing and it take atleast few houres to adobt with the situation and have a help is wonderful in the first the other hand there is many many people waiting to chit you and you have be reallt at first I thought maybe he is looking for money and …but I trusted him,he looks very simple and no negative energy from him.he showed me a very nice and reasonable guest house and I invited him to have dinner together. also he helped me to buy simcard for my mobile and he gave me really useful information about Cambodia.

We met eachothe about 7pm infront of my guest house and we went to a local restaurant.I told him that I will treat himand just go wherever that you like for dinner ,but he brought me to a normal place and he ordered a simple meal for means that really he was not going to chit me and really he is trustable.I was happy to have a nice friend on the first day and it was a speaking guidbook and a friend.I was thinking about route which I could get ,there was 2 choice,first one was getting a ferry to Kampong Som which is best beach in Cambodia and the other one cycling along the road to the place.but road from Koh kong to the main road which is about 150km is not finished and there is 4 gap on the rivers and also some constructing part of road and it is really difficult to get that road specially in this time which is rainy season.

In normal situation is fine but when there is rain ,the not finished part of road has red mud and almost impossible to bike there ,so also I could take a taxi to the mail road and cycle from there to the beach about 100km.finally I choose easyest way…taking a boat.but at night when Mit (my Cambodian friend) came for dinner he told me that boat didnt come today due to bad weather ,so tomorrow there is no boat,and I had just one choice ,taking a taxi to the main road and cycle from there to the the morning of following day Mit came there to pick me up and he brought me to taxu station.I put my bicycle on the back of a pickup and we left there about 8:30am.but he was going to load more wight in his pickup,and after several time stop somewhere finally he fill his pickup like a truk and I put my bicycle on the top.

I hate of traveling by bus or pickup but some time there is no more choice and I have to do,it destroy my stuff easily.finally we left there about noon and 150km took more than 6 hours!!!! we arrived to the junction with main road 6:30 and I realised that I cant cycle at night in a very small road which is very I desided to go Phnom penh and take another road to the beach and come back there through main road,so by this desision I could see more in Cambodia and for sure I had to bike 150km more,but it was fine due to I dont have more cycling in I went with the taxi to Phnom penh,I arrived there about 10pm and almost everywhere was dark and no more light on the streets.

I was looking for a guest house and after asking somebody I found one. befor getting there I went to internet cafe to check my emails and write something and saddenly I foud that it is midnight and I had no dinner and I was too hungry.for sure I couldnt find any place there and just some fruit shak and cakes was what that I could give my stomak and going bed to get ready for start my journay in Cambodian roads…

5 July 2007

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Up to  Febraury 19
Current location : Ancud- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,461 km
Days on the road : 4092
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

Febraury 18
 I am in Ancud, Chiloe. I am waiting here to receive my bicycle gears to fix it. My cassette and chain almost dont work and I cant cycle at all in any kind of uphill and I have to push my bike.
A friend of mine sent them from USA to Valdivia but they didnt arrive whle I was there myself and Jose, my Chilean friend in Valdivia sent them by bus to Ancud. So tomorrow I can pick them up and hopefully I will fix my bike to continue some more days in Chiloe and then will go to Carreterra Austral once again for some days. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross