Cycling through Germany – part 3

This is a Nomad number 3. I am recording this voice in Germany. I am in my tent now.  It is 7 o’clock in the morning. It is quite early because sun is going to rise about 8:15.

I want to tell about lase few days. What I’ve done in my journey.
The last week when I was in camping, I recorded my voice and the next day Ihad to cycle about 70kms to Nuremberg where I was going to meet Ushi and Hands. It was a very easy day. I didn’t have much wind. The road was quite flat and I was going to make it before afternoon. So I had pushed myself and in 4 hours I cycled 70kms. It was a very good for me for losing my weight.
I arrived about 2 in the afternoon to Nuremberg and directed upon to Ushi’s house. I met Ushi and Hans when I crossed the border from Iran to Turkey. This time was in 25th of August. When I crossed the border after few kms after the border I met them. they were cycling from border to they left their belongings in Dugbaizid. We met and we cycled together about 1 hour and we had a coffee together. It was enough to make a friend. We exchanged emails and I continued cycling in that day. In between, we kept emailing for few times. Now I went to Nuremberg just for visiting them.
In fact was not in my direction. From Frankfurt I was cycling through south to Zurich and Nuremberg was out of my way. Of course it was great to cycle a bit more to meet a friend to meet somebody that you know. You can experience their life. You can make the friendship stronger. When you meet them in first time for a coffee, it is a very normal meeting.
Just you are a person you know them. The second time when you meet them specially in their house where they live there, they become your friend, a very good friend and I love to have friends. I love people and I love to live with people. I love to share your experience to learn from their life because everybody is like an open book. So I arrived in the afternoon and it was a Sylvester Eve.
They invited me to join them for the Sylvester Evein their holiday home in the village house, an hour driving from Nuremberg. They before called and said :”Mohammad it is cold and snowy . In case, if you need to come earlier, you are welcome to come earlier. It was very kind of them. But I liked to stay outside tocamp to experience winter camping.  Because there is not always snow and there is no chance to be in the winter camping. So arrived 31th of December in the afternoon and I took a shower after 4 days. I shaved and then with Ushi and Hands went to their holiday home to celebrate the New year’s was like a village out of the city just near the wood.
After we sat the table for dinner, we went for a walk into the forest and into the wood. It was great.After snowing, everything was white and of course quiet and so natural. I love to walk in the forest at night while there is lot of snows. Then we came back home and we could celebrateNew year’ Eve. The house was a bit in the hill, so all the village was down and down, below us. So we could see everything from there and it was great.

The next day was Thursday, the first day of January. We stayed in the village and went to the forest for walking. We had launch together and came back home in the afternoon. First I was planning to stay there 2 days in Nuremberg but after the first day of staying in village, I extended another day to stay one more day like Friday and Saturday. I was planning to leave on Sunday.
Friday wewent for city tour with Ushi and Hands with the bicycle and their daughter. They showed me a lot in the city. It was very beautiful city,Nuremberg with the castle, with the old wall around the city, with very old café and restaurant, an old restaurant about 400 years old with very special sausage which was very special in Nuremberg. So we spent all day just sighting. It was raining. The weather was not best one. But it was great to see all around the town. On the Saturday, we went for visiting more places. Also a friend of mine who was my face book’s friend named Joachim.
He lives in near Bielefeld. We have known each other since 2 years through face book. But we have never chanced to meet. When I was near Bielefeld, I couldn’t  make it to meet him. I had a comment from him in face book that :where are you Mohammad?I said to him” I am in Nuremberg”. He said:” I am going to near Nuremberg to visit my brother and I can come to Nuremberg to meet each other which it could be the last chance before leaving Germany”.
It was wonderful to see a person who is a just a face book friend and he drives some more kilometers to the city to meet you. We met in a very old café in the city center near the castle with Joachim, Hans and Ushi. We spent 2 hours in the café just chatting with Joachim and after we continued more sighting. I wanted to stay a more day because I was feeling so good with ushi with Hans and with family and also on Sunday they are going to have a special meeting for Christmas and all the family wants to get to gather. I liked to experience to be with their family, I could feel being a part of a big family. I could feel just home. Actually I would stay one more day.
At night, it started snowing and there were a lot snows. Basically on Sunday I couldn’t leave because of snow. We spent also Sunday together. We had launch and in the afternoon I began to prepare and fix my bicycle. My bicycle was so dirty because of the rain and snow and…so I fixed my bicycle and I got ready. I left on Monday morning. It was a beautiful sunny day. I cycled all the day about 90kms. I left about 10 in the morning till 4:30 before sunset I could cycle 90kms.
After snowing,a sunny day means you have a cold night. It was a very freezing cold night. Everything was frozen. The temperature is about -10 and there is a layer of ice everywhere, on my tent, on my bike, on my sleeping bag …it was a difficult part but the beautiful part was the fool moon from last night. When I arrived here I began to take a picture before I got into my tent.
I did photography about 40 minutes. I finished because I couldn’t continue. It was so cold and I couldn’t tolerate it anymore. While I took a picture, I saw beautiful light over my tent and I was in the field out in the nature. It was so quiet. It was amazing.

Now I am going to get out of my tent. It is very cold but I want to make my coffee and have breakfast. Then I will get ready to continue cycling today. I have another 90kms to get the city calledBonn to meet other friends

Till the next part of the Nomad, I wish you all the best and enjoy.

 January 5 2015

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Up to  Febraury 19
Current location : Ancud- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,461 km
Days on the road : 4092
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

Febraury 18
 I am in Ancud, Chiloe. I am waiting here to receive my bicycle gears to fix it. My cassette and chain almost dont work and I cant cycle at all in any kind of uphill and I have to push my bike.
A friend of mine sent them from USA to Valdivia but they didnt arrive whle I was there myself and Jose, my Chilean friend in Valdivia sent them by bus to Ancud. So tomorrow I can pick them up and hopefully I will fix my bike to continue some more days in Chiloe and then will go to Carreterra Austral once again for some days. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross