Himachal Pradesh

Himachal Pradesh

When I left Mcloadgang I went to Dahramsala and also to school to see what happened for trees which we planted there.everything was fine and it was very nice for me when I saw that there is so many students who are studing so close to trees and hope in future they care about environment and trees. Time was about 1pm that I left Dahramsala and biked to palampur whit about 50km distance from there .but the road was enugh beautiful and I crossed of jungels and hills and in fact I had to cross a range of mountain and for sure it had some up and down slops .for me it is really defficult biking in up slope due to I am alone and I have to carry everything myself and I have too much waight on my bike ,but I couldnt ignore those wonderful roads .just after 6km from palampur I wanted to put my tent ,I was lossing day light and also no much time to find a place to rest .

I asked some one and after some speach I put my tent when so many childrens and also youths were looking me and after puting camp some of them came and made a fire for me .we were about 2 hours there but we couldnt talk at all and just we used of posture and body lsnguage.after one houre a man came and asked ma for identify card with very shorp behave .at first I became sad with him and I coulnt undrestand what happened with the man.but after just 10 minute he came and invited me to his house and it made me more confuse.

When I was eating in his home I said what I tought and what was my filling about him .however we became two frinds and then I could talk with someone.when he invited me yo dinner I didnt want to accept for 2 reasons ,1-I was sad with his manner and the aother one some guys who made fire wanted to bring me dinner .really I confused , I didnt like that the man find that I am sad and I had to accept his invitation and what could I do with guys ?also I didnt like to refuse of their invitation due to I didnt like they think that I didnt accept due to they are poor and the man is reach .(the man was doctor and so he was reach )however just I prayed that I can get ride from this jam .however everything becams fine and I went for sleep.I felt a little cold and I had to be carful about my health . so I desided jusy to sleep and rest in my sleeping bag .

Even now I am not complatly ok but I dont care about it more .a day after I started biking to Mandi which was about 87km.fortunatly last 40km of road was just down slope and was fantastic .I couldnt plant tree in mandi due to it was sunday and I saw that I will wast the time in mandi so I decided to take a bus and go to manali .I knew that Manali is my last chanse to visit Himalyian mountains . Manali was not in my route and I have to back the same road to Mandi and just becuase of that I took bus due to I dont like to bike a road twice .all the road is near the river and between to mounts and for sure it has very nice view. today I tought about my visa and its validitation .maybe I have to extend it in Delhi due to I want to stay here for 3 days and I will write more aboute this area .last night I staied in a poor families house .

I decided to put my tent that they invited me to their house .always I like to live with local people and never I try to put my tent far from them . when I live with them then I can learn more from them and also I can learn how they live and it is one of more important part of my trip “living with different people with different level of life”. it is my chance that I am traveling on bike and also I am alone and I am more flexible to do as I like . so I will continue alone and I wont try to find a partner in my trip .

22 Jan 2007

هیماچال پرادش

در ادامه مسیر بطرف چپ منطقه ماکلودگانگ به شهر داهرامسالا رسیدم وبرای کاشت درخت به یک مدرسه رفتم و خوشبختانه با کمک چند تا از محصلین کار به خوبی انجام شد و همه چیز به خوبی پیش رفت واونها قول دادند که از این درخت به خوبی مراقبت خواهند کرد.

بعد ازاین کار وحدود ساعت یک بعد از ظهر به سمت پالامپوردرجاده ای بسیار زیبا وپوشیده از درخت ودر میان منطقه ای کاملا جنگلی حرکت کردم که این مسیر حدود 50کیلومتر وپر از فراز ونشیب بطرف رشته کوه هیمالیا پیش میره والبته برای من رکاب زدن تو همچین جاده ای با این دوچرخه وبار سنگین کمی مشکله وگاهی اوقات مجبور هستم دوچرخه رو دستم بگیرم وپیاده به سمت بالا حرکت کنم.

اما 6کیلومتر بعد از بالامپور ودر آخرین لحظات از روشنائی روزبرای برپا کردن چادرم دنبال یه جای مناسب میگشتم واز چند نفر راجع به این مسئله سئوال کردم تا اینکه چند تا پسربچه نو جوان تو این کار به من کمک کردن وحتی برام آتش محیا کردن وحدود 2ساعتی هم پیش من موندن و من هم برای آشنائی اونها با سفرم تعدادی عکس وپوسترنشون دادم ولی ما نتونستیم با هم صحبت کنیم چون که اونها انگلیسی نمیدونستند ومن هندی!!.

ساعتی بعد یک آقایی که خیلی هم عصبانی بودبه سراغم آمد وبا برخوردی تند از من پرسید که اینجا چکار میکنم ومدارک منو بازدید کرد و بعد از کمی غرغر کردن برگشت و رفت ومن اصلا علت ناراحتی ایشون رو نفهمیدم ،اما بعد از 10دقیقه دوباره آمد ولی این بار با حالتی خوش آیند ولبی خندان برای صرف شام منو به خونشون دعوت کرد و من هم در کمال تعجب و ناباوری قبول کردم .

موقع شام خوردن صر صحبت رو باز کردم وبعد از اینکه متوجه شدم ایشان دکتر هستنداعتراض خودمو نصبت به رفتارشان بیان کردم و…………….

روز بعد دوچرخه سواری را بطرف شهر مندی که در فاصله 78کیلومتری اینجا قرار داره شروع کردم وبعد از حدود 40 کیلومتر سربالائی رکاب زدن بلاخره به قسمت باحال جاده یعنی سرازیری رسیدم و کلی لذت بردم.تو شهر مندی نتونستم درختی بکارم چون یکشنبه بود وهمه جا تعطیل،به همین دلیل تصمیم گرفتم برای نزدیکتر شدن به رشته کوه هیمالیا واستفاده بهتر از مناظرش با اتوبوس به سمت مانلی برم چون این شهر از مسیر من دور بود.

اینجا اکثر جاده ها کوهستانی و در کنار رودخانه است که چشم اندازی بسیار زیبا وجذاب داره.

شب گذشته وقتی تو یک منطقه مستضعف نشین دنبال جائی بودم برای چادر زدن یکی از همین خانواده ها از من دعوت کردند تا شب رو پیش اونها بگذرونم و این برای من خیلی ارزشمند بود چون یکی از اهداف سفر من همین بود : (زندگی با آدمهای مختلف ،با عقاید وسلیقه های مختلف و سطوح متفاوت زندگی)

اینجا چیزهائی است که من در تنهائی سفر بهشون رسیدم به همین خاطرهیچ وقت دوست ندارم تنهائی سفرکردن را از دست بدهم

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Up to  Febraury 19
Current location : Ancud- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,461 km
Days on the road : 4092
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

Febraury 18
 I am in Ancud, Chiloe. I am waiting here to receive my bicycle gears to fix it. My cassette and chain almost dont work and I cant cycle at all in any kind of uphill and I have to push my bike.
A friend of mine sent them from USA to Valdivia but they didnt arrive whle I was there myself and Jose, my Chilean friend in Valdivia sent them by bus to Ancud. So tomorrow I can pick them up and hopefully I will fix my bike to continue some more days in Chiloe and then will go to Carreterra Austral once again for some days. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross