International celebration for Persian New year

International celebration for Persian New year

********SALE NO MOBARAK********

Today is the first day of spring and by the same day Persian calendar is going to new year and it means that today is the first day of new year in Persian countries and specially Iran.New year is one the most important and lovely holydays in Iran as I think everywhere is and in Iran we have special celebration for new year.

People in Iran are used to be in their home and with their family in time of new year and waiting for sound of treditional music for changing year and then kiss eachother and give them sweet and pray to have a good new Iran we make a special table for new year and we put 7 things with “S” on it pluss red fish on a glass and Hafez(a book of poet) and quran .you can read more about Persian new year Celebration hereNorooz

However as I wrote people try to be with their family in new year ,but I am used to be alone in mountain for a few years and just I was alone last few years in new year.but this year for me was completly different and I didnt know where I will be and whit who?just I liked to make a treditional table for my self in new year.

Last 2 days I invited some of my friends in Kathmandu to have a party for new year and really they did their best and I never gorget their kindness about myself.

Time of new year was about 3:30 by Iran time and about 6 AM by Nepali time,so we preffer to have a party afew hours befor of exact at first we were 4,but one of my friend from netherland ,he canceled his ticket to border and he staied for celebration and also Layla with her sister and friends also joined us and we became was amasing ,I never forget this celebration all my life and it was best new year for me ,New year on the road and with some very nice friends from all over the glob,Netherland,south Africa,Austoralia,Beljum,Iran and England and Egypt.

We met Layla in Thamil and we invited her to our celebration and she kindlly acceped ,Thanks Layla .also it was last night of her trip and she is going back home today.just we have to ord some food and praper a table and 7 “S” wich called Haft seen. everyone did some thing,Saul went to take food from restaurant and also he helped me alot”thanks Saul for everything”,Juan went to buy some cake and Layla and her frinds brought some Japanis food and some sweet and cake by themself.also I made some omlet and staied at home to praper the table.I was really lucky due to there is an exhebition of some photo from Isfehan (Iran) in Kathmandu and I could borrow some table cloths from Isfehan of Mr Jamalifar who is going to climb one summit higher than 7000m in Anapurna range with his team from Isfehan.

We started our celebration about 8:30pm and wooooow,it was year with my global friends and we shared many expiriances of our trips and for sure everyone had many story to the way I put 6 “S” with Persian language and just I put 7th of haft seen by our common language which was sweet.” Senjed,Serke,Sekke,Sabzi,Sir,Sibzamini and Sweet “were haft seen in our table.with Hafez and Quran and kandles.

After 2 hours Mr Majid and Mohammad also from Isfehan jointed us and we had a very nice night.all the time I was looking to face of my friends secretly and I told them inside Thanks to gave me this wonderful night.

Our party was til 2 Am and after that just say goodbye and everyone left.also Kurt is going to leave Nepal today and I dont know when I can meet them again in our smal vilage which we called it glob.just I wish to meet them again in some happy time like that.

Thanks guys to made me happy and accompanied me to start a new year.

Wish health and happy for all and greennes for earth.

All of my friends wrote a comment for our celebration which I wrote them below. read and enjoy new year

Saul from South Africa :

I am excited to come Iran and meet the people.Mohammad is wonderful ambassador for your country.He speaks highly of his people and is very proudto be Iranian.may we all find peace amongst each other,so that we can be able to enjoy eveynight like this ,together more often.GOD bless and peace with you your brother from different mother.

Anna from Australia:

Never befor have I celebrated the Iranian New year and tonight was a truely unique experiance.I feel very lucky to have spent the evening with Mohammad and experiancing the treditional New year on a roof top in Kathmandu with people from all over the glob.Thanks Mohammad.

Arnold from Netherland:

The first Iranian New year in Nepal.awsome.I will travel to Iran in a few next weeks and its nice to know some of the treditions.Mohammad you are a special guy ,you are doing a good thing and it was a place to meet you.

Kurt from Netherland:

It was great to meet you and I cant put words to my appriciation of whatyou are doing.If everybody had your attitude towards the world,it would be a better really make a difference and keep up the tree planting.

Lara from Beljuam:

Very unexpected to celebrat Iranis New year in Kathmandu.Good meal ,nice gave us a very good impression and feeling of Iran.Definetly a place to visit.good luck with planting tree in the world.very good ititiotion .nice ,amazing,intresting to share New year with people from over the world….Be happy

John from Netherland:

I had my secund New year in one year.this New year was a good and intresting experiance.Thanks for the hospitality and I will visit your country IRAN !thanks Mohammad

Layla from Australia:

Tonights Iranian New year with Mohammad has beed very special night.we shared great food and suapped different travel stories and most of all had a good laugh together.Thanks Mohamad

Tal from Israel:

To my worth enemy Mohammad

Thanks for all the insight,the funny stories and …well…the food.I am very glad and henored to have helped you celebrate the New year and meeting you has been very special for me. For our next meeting -my country or yours …I am optimistic

20 March 2007

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Up to  Febraury 19
Current location : Ancud- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,461 km
Days on the road : 4092
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

Febraury 18
 I am in Ancud, Chiloe. I am waiting here to receive my bicycle gears to fix it. My cassette and chain almost dont work and I cant cycle at all in any kind of uphill and I have to push my bike.
A friend of mine sent them from USA to Valdivia but they didnt arrive whle I was there myself and Jose, my Chilean friend in Valdivia sent them by bus to Ancud. So tomorrow I can pick them up and hopefully I will fix my bike to continue some more days in Chiloe and then will go to Carreterra Austral once again for some days. 

My Speech in TEDx
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