Last day

Last day


It was about 9 am that left Virgilio and the room, we had a very nice break fast in the room and then say goodbye to my new friend and after that just I run to an internet cafe to check my emails, (in Lao, you shouldnt ignore any internet due to may be the next one is after 2-3 days). The internet was too slow and after almost one and half hour I realized that I did as I could do it by 20 min in some other places. So just I left there and started cycling. It was about noon, but it was fine due to I knew that I have a light day. There was just 150 km to Vientiane and I decided to do it by 2 days, due to I didnt like to reach there on Saturday. So there was no rush, 75 Km each day and it was enough to take time and enjoy and cycling relax. It was a simple day and I did nothing special, and I cycled till afternoon. In that day I had much time and I could cook at night, so just I had to buy some supplies, I wanted to make spaghetti for dinner and I needed some meet, onion, garlic and some tomatoes. In the first market I stopped to buy them, but I found that meet is very expensive there; it is funny that in Lao food in restaurant is much cheaper than cooking by your self. If you want to cook, you have to pay 2 times more for supplies than cooked food in restaurant, but I liked to cook and I didnt like spaghetti with just vegetables, I needed some meet. So I went to a restaurant and asked them for a stake with rice, it was about 1.5 $ and in fact it was my lunch and I saved half of meet for my dinner, it was ok due to it was already cooked. Ok I have everything, so just let try to find a nice place to stay. I was looking for a place, it was about sunset and sun was going to disappear behind the mountain. It is the best time for me to be on the road, I love that time of day. I was looking around to find a place and passing through a bridge, that I saw 3 little girl who were about 7-8 year old, jumping down from the bridge. Hey what are they doing, they are creasy, just I stopped and looked down, it was a river down and they were jumping from the bridge down to the river and swim, come up again and jump again. The bridge had about 5-6 meters height. I was excited and just staid there and took some pictures; they jumped more than 10 times for me to take a good picture. They were really happy and enjoying, and also I did too. It was too nice watching them jumping and playing. Watching happy people always make me excited and they brought me huge amount of happiness in my heart. I saw a small woody room just next to the bridge and also next to the road. It was empty and it looked that is belonging to them, I asked their mother about staying there at night and she said it is ok. Wonderful, no need to put tent. The house had a small room on back side and something like balcony in front. I put my bicycle in the room and asked the girls to stay there to share some fruits, enjoy and laugh. They were completely wet. Fortunately I had one watermelon and one pineapple and we shared it together. Meanwhile one of girl when she found that I am going to stay there, just run away and after few minutes came back with a rubber and began to clean the ground. It was wonderful feeling and just I was enjoying. After eating the fruits, they staid there for few minutes, but we had no words to talk and juts we were talking through our hearts. Finally they left there and I was alone there. In that time already sun was disappeared behind the mountain and light was going down and in the other side tiny beautiful moon was rising to show its beauty to whom who knows it. Sky was full of stars and it was the time that fireflies were going to come out to performance, they began to dance in sky, the road was silent and watching them was wonderful, it was really great to watch. I really can not explain how it was beautiful and how I was excited and happy. I sat on the balcony and hanged my foots down, began to play with them and looking at moon within the branches and lives of tree. The lives also were dancing on wind, and the river, frogs and bogs were singing all. It was a huge performance from nature like a concert. They all were synchronized and they really made a nice live music. Fireflies still were dancing like a fire dance and just I was enjoying. After about half an hour I started cooking in darkness. My headlight was broke down and I had no light. Even I had no light from moon, due to it was the first nights of new lunar month and moon was very tiny, and also it was behind of the house and I was in shad of the house, so just darkness. It was really funny cooking in darkness, just once a while a little bit light from a car which was passing through gave me opportunity to look at food. It took about 40min that the food got ready, spaghetti with souse of meet, onion, garlic and tomato. I sat again in the same place in edge of balcony, hanged my foots down and playing with them. I start eating when I was looking at stars and dancing fireflies. I have to clime that the food was really nice and delicious. I was growing inside and getting lighter and lighter, I began to fly in that atmosphere. It is hard to explain what I was feeling then, I was alone in middle of the road, silence and darkness. I had a nice meal, wonderful view, fireflies, beautiful moon, and stars. It was true that there was no silence because of sound of river, frogs and bogs, but it was silence. It was really silence and it was huge amount of positive energy from the nature. I was feeling myself as a frog, as a firefly, as a piece of nature, a small piece of nature. I felt myself nothing, nothing in this universe. When you are nothing you can fly, any small wind brings you to fly in sky like a piece of dust, and in that time I was nothing, thats why I was flying. I was sitting there thinking about nothing for a long time. After that I went inside the room to sleep and I lied on the ground and began to think again about myself, my life and In the following morning I woke up about 7 and directly I went to the river and I washed my dishes from last night and then I jumped on the river to swim and playing and again flying. After that I came up to the balcony and started to cook again for break fast. When I was swimming the little girls came and staid on the bridge where looking at me. I made some coffee and we had coffee together with girls and after that they helped me to clean the room and then I took some pictures and then it was the time of leaving and saying goodbye. I had to say goodbye to them that became like my family who had made a place in my heart and it was hard to say them goodbye. But I am belonging to the road and I have to go, I have to gothere is some new friends and new stories waiting for me. I left there and I looked back several times to give them sign, all the time the girls were holding their hands up shaking them. I left a piece of my heart there, a piece of my life and I kept ridding.

17 Aug 2007

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Up to  Febraury 19
Current location : Ancud- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,461 km
Days on the road : 4092
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

Febraury 18
 I am in Ancud, Chiloe. I am waiting here to receive my bicycle gears to fix it. My cassette and chain almost dont work and I cant cycle at all in any kind of uphill and I have to push my bike.
A friend of mine sent them from USA to Valdivia but they didnt arrive whle I was there myself and Jose, my Chilean friend in Valdivia sent them by bus to Ancud. So tomorrow I can pick them up and hopefully I will fix my bike to continue some more days in Chiloe and then will go to Carreterra Austral once again for some days. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross