Last day in Tbilisi and leaving Georgia

Last day in Tbilisi and leaving Georgia

On my last dairy I wrote that a mistake brought me back to Tbilisi again where I could experience another view of Tbilisi. What I didn’t before. I stayed overnight again in Ugis’s place. The next day I was feeling a bit tired, so I asked him to stay another for day. Next day I was at home till afternoon…I was absolutely board, so I asked Ugis to have dinner outside and also I wanted to see the view of Tbilisi at night what actually I haven’t done it while I was staying there last time. To be honest I don’t know what I can v call it? Laziness or ignorance? I have been there for more than a week but I didn’t go to have a look at city overnight. I know it is true that I cant see everything while I am traveling but I have to do my best and I have to see as much as I can, as it might be the last chance to be in that place, so I have to appreciate it and I shouldn’t lose any time or any chance. Anyway there I was again, so I did appreciate being in Tbilisi and I went to visit the city at night which was pretty amazing. We had a very short nice walk before we reached a place which we could have a nice view over the city. Having that view was something but the thing was more important for me to be back there in Tbilisi again was the conversation I had with Ugis about his project. He is going to travel doing something for human being, what I really appreciate. Then I could understand why I am back again in Tbilisi, we had still something to share, some ideas and thoughts. I am so happy he is going to realize his meaning of being in this life, he is going to start his real life which he is meant to do, so universe will be benefitted much more from him even though it is benefitted already by his positive energy and kindness. I was getting prepared to leave next day but I received another email from Pegah who is a friend of mine from Iran….she will be in Tbilisi accompanied with Reza and Karen, his husband who also is an old friend and their son. No way…I didn’t want to miss them, so I extended my staying in Tbilisi for another day. It was easy to do as I had a place to stay. I went to their booked hotel to greet them. I waited there for an hour before they arrived. “ you are crazy…” it was the first word Pegah told me. They didn’t expect me to stay there to meet them. I was so happy and we had a lovely evening. It was Friday 13 of May and finally I left Tbilisi. Just before departure I went to hotel to meet my friends once more and then began to ride toward Signaghi, a city 120km east of Tbilisi. It is an old city which is quite well decorated by government. A very small one but nice one as well which located over a hill almost 850m above sea level. As soon as I entered the first street an old lady jumped on the road and asked me to stay in her guest house. The price was good enough to do not look more. Dodo was the name of that old lady who actually was so handy and eager even though she was quite old. on next day I had just 50km to border, so I was not in rush. In the morning I went to see the city and around 12 I prepared to leave. It was a very small city and I Was alone, so no reason to stay longer while there is nothing more to do. Again leaving a country with all its very nice memories…I didn’t ride fast as I didn’t want to leave so quick the country. I could enjoy every single scene and I waved hand for every single person who was close to the road.

Just 10km before border again some Georgian invited me to eat something with them and of course to drink. It was my last chance to experience Georgian life style and I appreciated it. I said goodbye to Georgia….and Hello to Azerbaijan while I passed Lagodekhi border. The road was so beautiful and nice asphalt in Azerbaijan side. A range of mountain on the left which were still covered by snow and forest on the right. After just few km I felt I like to enjoy more from this place, so let it to ride next day and I began to search for a place to stay. It was my first experience of Azeri people and I had to see how it goes. I was very careful to find out how I should behave. I went to a village and asked a guy to help me to find a place to camp. He talked to another one and he told me no need to camp…go straight and then left, there would be a room for you to stay. ( it was all thorough body language) but language barrier is a big matter here in Azerbaijan. I followed his structure but I found nothing. I waited there for almost 30min but no result, so I turned back to the road and continued for some more km. it was going to get dark…I had to find a place before darkness. I saw a shepherd and I get out of the road. I asked him to allow me to put my tent near the farm under a tree. ( I need it to put always under a shelter because no longer my tent has cover. It took me almost 40 min before I could take his trust, then he told me I can stay with them and sleep under a shelter where they also sleep.

 It was so good but it was not a 5 star was stable where 300 ships plus 7 dogs and their poppies would sleep as well. We had to share the place and there was just 2,3 line of wood to split us away. It seems that it was not a pleasant place but to be honest for me was the best one, it was my only chance to experience that kind of life style in Azerbaijan. Living with those people is what I have no chance to experience it in every country and there I was. I was real happy man. Just to avoid mosquitoes I put my tent. they were playing card till late at night and I had something to give them as a gift. A bottle of 2 liters red Georgian wine which was a gift from a farmer just before leaving Georgia. I had no use for that anymore. I was so lucky to have that shelter over my head…late at night rain began. A real strong shower. All night was raining very heavily. I was dry and I had a big joy in my heart to have that chance to have a shelter…yes life is just to appreciate all these little gifts we receive and to enjoy a little dry place we have to sleep. This way of living helps me to increase pure joy in my heart and to have bigger love for people who even share their very little things they have with others. Having fresh milk and cheese was enough to forget about the smell of all those sheep specially when the ground is wet and it makes smell couple of times more. In the morning still it was raining, Nazim the small guy in that place was happy I couldn’t leave. Rain was almost stopped at around 12 and I got ready to go for another ride. the small narrow stream which I passed last day to come to stable were a very angry wide brown river. No way to cross. I found my way through another small road through the fields to the main road but again rain. I was already out on the road, so I had to find another place. For 2 times I had to cross the flood because it had blocked the road which was some kind of adventure.I was absolutely wet and cold again. I was wishing a hotel and a warm bed and warm room. while I was passing a village, I saw a man out of his house, I stopped by and asked him to help me to find a shelter. I asked him if he can give me a shelter to put my tent but again all through body language. Miss understanding caused him to bring me a piece of plastic as hi thought I need something to put over my tent. But I was trying to understood him which his wife came out. She just told me come in without wasting a single minute. I was inside near the fire place. She even washed my socks and put them near fire place to dry as she told me I had to put them on to avoid feeling cold via my feet. All my clothes were hanged over fire place to dry. there was table, tea and sweets and a very warm and kind atmosphere. Even she brought a hot break covered with a towel to put my feet over and to get warm. What I needed more? Where I could find that kindness? And the most important question…how I can appreciate it? And what I should do in return for human being when I am receiving all these kindness from them? For now I just can LOVE them deeply from my heart and for future….let see what I can do?

19 May 2011

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Up to  Febraury 19
Current location : Ancud- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,461 km
Days on the road : 4092
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

Febraury 18
 I am in Ancud, Chiloe. I am waiting here to receive my bicycle gears to fix it. My cassette and chain almost dont work and I cant cycle at all in any kind of uphill and I have to push my bike.
A friend of mine sent them from USA to Valdivia but they didnt arrive whle I was there myself and Jose, my Chilean friend in Valdivia sent them by bus to Ancud. So tomorrow I can pick them up and hopefully I will fix my bike to continue some more days in Chiloe and then will go to Carreterra Austral once again for some days. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross