Last days before having vacation in Turkey


 was in Eschenbach with Rachelle and her family.
On Monday 14 Jan I could visit Montessori school again which was quite nice to be there for the second time. We had kind of interview in school with kids and afterward I went back home. I was ready for my appointment with immigration office and I was quite sure which I will extend my visa nd continue my journey in Europe.
It was Jan 15 and the time for visiting immigration office to extend my visa. I went there and after finger print and signature the lady behind the window asked me where your permit from Austria is? And I had nothing!!! I was confused and told her I don’t have any!! And in a few min she returned and told me which I should leave Switzerland in 7 days. I was not shocked but quite confused.
I was trying to explain to her but she didn’t want to hear anything and just she told me to leave !!!
I came out of office and began to walk on the street. It was quite complicated situation…my visa was already over, so I could not apply for any visa and also it could make me some truble the time I would leave the country because of being over stayed.
I remembered the last time I was in the same situation in China, it was too hard and now I was again in the same situation. Visa expired and I was run out my money.  So hard but there was a difference this time!!! Last time in China I was crying as it was too hard but this time I was quite stable even though I was not happy.
I went to meet a friend and we talked a bit about it. And then Benno called me. On the phone I told him what happened and after a short while I think he called me back again and said “ Hey Mohammad: you are in a deep shit!!” he was right. I could be in a deep shit and be in a hard situation.
he said that he will come to Zurich to meet me and talk to me.
I was really lost somehow..a bit sad and worry. I was saying that if I need to be in Istanbul, I should have money for it and when I don’t have it means I wont, so there might be a door going to open!!! I was repeating it with myself” no…I don’t have money to go to Istanbul so it will be fine!! Don’t worry about it “
in the other hand I had promised Stephan ( Rachelle’s son ) to stay one more time with them. But when Benno told me which he will be in Zurich at 7pm , I realized which I wont be able to get home before Stephan sleeps. It wa pity as I stayed in their house one more night because of him, so I should be there by the time.
 called Benno and asked him to come a bit later and he decided to come to Uetikon to meet me, so I had a chance to be back home earlier and have sometimes with Stephan.
we were having dinner which Benno arrived. Still I couldn’t spend any time with Stephan. So I asked Benno to forget about our meeting for a little while and play with Stephan. Afterward we sat in the dining room and started our meeting.
At night when we started to talk Benno told me that I should leave and there is no chance left !!! then he said “ the only place you can go is Istanbul.  I replied “ yes, I know…” and he handed me a piece of paper and mentioned “ this is a ticket to Istanbul for Tuesday 22!!  I had a ticket and it meant I had to leave and there is no chance for my visa to get extended. Meantime when Rachelle realized I am going to Istanbul told me which she has a friend there and she can ask her for accommodation!! So she did and Amy ( her friend ) replied positively. She told me that I can stay there as long as I need, but just there is a problem !!! she was going to go to US on 26 for 2 weeks. And it meant that I should stay alone there for 2 weeks.!! That was actually perfect as I needed some day off from everything, I needed some quiet time to collect my mind and thoughts. And I had my own flat there. Things were changing to a positive way and I started to accept them and follow them, so bad feeling was going to disappear and replaced with joy but still it was not 100% as I had still problem with money !! and I couldn’t comprehend it. Still I needed time to get that one fixed also.
I was really sad by the time and I kept repeating “ that’s complicated !!” even Rachelle mentioned it.
I had my ticket, so there is no chance anymore…I should leave and I stopped trying for it, I still visited immigration office next day to fix the possible problem I could have in the airport for my visa expiration. Benno staied over night there and in the morning we went to immigration office to look what we could do!!

The answer was enough clear…just in the last moment Benno saw a line under my letter mentioning which I can try again but I should leave the country first. !!
it brought me a big hope and with Benno we started to collect some documents from people I knew in Switzerland and what I already had.
last few days I was staying with Jurg, a friend of mine who has passed Iran by bicycle in 2005 and now after 8 years again we had chance to meet up. He was the same and the only difference was his 3 kids which he didn’t have that time!!!
I left all those documents with Benno and I left Switzerland for Istanbul to have some warm weather and Mediterranean foods while Europe was going to be so cold!!

22 February 2013

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Up to  Febraury 19
Current location : Ancud- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,461 km
Days on the road : 4092
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

Febraury 18
 I am in Ancud, Chiloe. I am waiting here to receive my bicycle gears to fix it. My cassette and chain almost dont work and I cant cycle at all in any kind of uphill and I have to push my bike.
A friend of mine sent them from USA to Valdivia but they didnt arrive whle I was there myself and Jose, my Chilean friend in Valdivia sent them by bus to Ancud. So tomorrow I can pick them up and hopefully I will fix my bike to continue some more days in Chiloe and then will go to Carreterra Austral once again for some days. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross