Mr.Pira and his wonderful family

Mr.Pira and his wonderful family

I left Kohtao in the morning at 10 and by fast boat I went to Champon,ferry was too far from the place which I had to go.I had to go to Ranong 120km back on my route.when I was riding ahead to Champon just few km before that I met a cyclist on the road and we cycled together to Champon.Mr Pira has a shop just on the junction on main road,so best dessigen was leaving bicyle there and go to Ranong…

Mr.Pira and his wonderful family

I left Kohtao in the morning at 10 and by fast boat I went to Champon,ferry was too far from the place which I had to go.I had to go to Ranong 120km back on my route.when I was riding ahead to Champon just few km before that I met a cyclist on the road and we cycled together to Champon.Mr Pira has a shop just on the junction on main road,so best dessigen was leaving bicyle there and go to Ranong.

I arrived at 2pm and asked him to keep my bicyle but when he undrestood what I am going to do just told me he will bring me there on his pickup,wonderful,I was wondering about his help and happy to have nice friend.we went there but they told me I cant extend my visa more than a week and I have to pay 1900 baht which 2 times more expesive than the visa.I needed about 2 weeks and it was not enogh for me.

So I decided to go Bagkok which has main office,may they can give me more so we came back his shop,on the way back he brought me to a organic fruit farm,it was very nice and quiet and peaceful. during the time which I was busy with internet his wife provided us a wonderful sea food,so I had to take a bus or train to Bagkok and they managed everything,also they bought ticket for me and when I was leaving they handed me a big bag of fruits.thank you Pira and your nice family.

Let tel about very funny train,railway system in Thailand is like India,very old and unorgnised.I was in third class which was a wagon with many sits and midnight an austrian guy came and he asked me to sit near me,thats fine take a sit and just after few minutes I found he is complately drunk talking about his universe and….just I was looking him thinking him.he drank a beer and didn’t pay for and when one staff of restaurant came to ask money he was so sad why everybody talk about money.”hey man you drank,so you have to pay”I said…”you dont know anything about my universe and my problem and…..”he said and just I was looking.

I arrived to Bangkok about 5am and just I had to wait till 8.30 for imagration office and also they didnt give me more,I was from Iran and….whatever that people and nature are great and lovely,manner of imagration officers is just shit,I hate of their impolite manner,I have no good memory from getting visa,on the border and extention visa,but people and nature are more enough nice to like this country and also I like to come back I have no more time and that day just I went to UN to meet a great friend, Anita Nikolava who did her best for me during the gathering in Bangkok.we had lunch together and talk about our planet.

26 June 2007

آقاي پیرا و خانواده فوق‌العاده‌اش

ساعت ده صبح کاتائو رو ترک کردم و با يک قايق سريع به چمپون رفتم، گذرگاه با جايي که من مي‌خواستم برم فاصله زيادي داشت. من بايد صدوبیست کیلومتر در خلاف جهت مسيرم به رانونگ مي‌رفتم. همين که حرکتم رو شروع کردم، هنوز چند کيلومتري نرفته بودم که يک دوچرخه‌سوار در جاده ديدم و با هم به چمپون رفتيم. آقاي پیرا فروشگاهي در محل تقاطع با جاده اصلي داشت، پس بهترين انتخاب گذاشتن دوچرخه در اونجا و رفتن به رانونگ بود. من ساعت دو بعد از ظهر رسيدم و از اون خواستم که دوچرخه من رو نگه داره ولي وقتي که فهميد من چي کار مي‌خوام بکنم بهم گفت که من رو با وانت خودش به اونجا مي‌بره، شگفت‌انگيزه، من از کمک اون متعجب شدم و از داشتن يک دوست خوب خوشحال شدم. ما با هم به اونجا رفتيم ولي اونها به من گفتند که نمي‌تونم ويزام رو براي بيش از يک هفته تمديد کنم و بايد هزارو نهصد باهت (واحد پول تايلند) که دو برابر گرون‌تر از ويزاست، بپردازم. من به 2 هفته احتياج داشتم و 1 هفته برام کافي نبود. بنابراين تصميم گرفتم به بانکوک که اداره اصلي در اون قرار داره برم، شايد اونها وقت بيشتري به من بدهند، پس با هم به فروشگاه اون برگشتيم، در راه برگشت من رو به يک باغ ميوه برد که خيلي زيبا، آرام و ساکت بود. در مدتي که من مشغول اينترنت بودم همسر اون براي ما يک غذاي دريايي عالي آماده کرد. من مجبور بودم براي رفتن به بانکوک اتوبوس يا قطار بگيرم، اونها همه چيز رو آماده کردند، براي من بليط هم خريدند و وقتي داشتم مي‌رفتم يک ساک بزرگ پر از ميوه به من دادند. از پیرا و خانواده خوبش متشکرم

اجازه بديد در مورد قطار خيلي خنده‌دار اونجا بگم، سيستم راه‌آهن در تايلند شبيه به هند است، خيلي قديمي و بدون نظم. من در قسمت درجه سه بودم که يک واگن پر از صندلي و خيلي شلوغ بود. اواسط شب يک جوان استراليايي اومد و خواست که در صندلي کنار من بنشيند، بعد از چند دقيقه فهميدم که کاملاً مستِ و در مورد دنياي خودش صحبت مي‌کنه … من فقط به اون نگاه کردم و فکر کردم. اون آبجو خورده بود و پولش رو نداده بود و وقتي يکي از کارکنان رستوران از اون پول خواسته بود، اون خيلي ناراحت شده بود که چرا همه در مورد پول صحبت مي‌کنند. من گفتم “هي پسر تو خوردي و بايد پولش رو بدي” اون گفت “تو چيزي در مورد دنياي من و مشکلات من نمي‌دوني و …” و من فقط نگاه مي‌کردم.

حدود ساعت پنج صبح به بانکوک رسيدم و بايد تا ساعت 8:30 منتظر اداره مهاجرت مي‌موندم، اونها هم به من وقت بيشتري ندادند، من ايراني بودم و … هرچقدر که مردم و طبيعت عالي و دوست‌داشتني بود، رفتار کارکنان اداره مهاجرت زشت بود، از رفتار بي‌ادبانه اونها متنفرم، از گرفتن ويزا خاطره خوبي ندارم، در مرز و موقع تمديد ويزا، اما مردم و طبيعت به اندازه کافي زيبا هستند که اين کشور رو دوست داشته باشم و بخوام دوباره به اينجا برگردم. بنابراين وقت زيادي ندارم و اون روز فقط به دفتر سازمان ملل رفتم تا يک دوست خوب آنیتا نیکولاوا رو ملاقات کنم، کسي که در موقع گرده‌همايي در بانکوک خيلي به من کمک کرده بود. ما با هم نهار خورديم و در مورد سیاره مون صحبت کرديم.

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Up to  Febraury 19
Current location : Ancud- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,461 km
Days on the road : 4092
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

Febraury 18
 I am in Ancud, Chiloe. I am waiting here to receive my bicycle gears to fix it. My cassette and chain almost dont work and I cant cycle at all in any kind of uphill and I have to push my bike.
A friend of mine sent them from USA to Valdivia but they didnt arrive whle I was there myself and Jose, my Chilean friend in Valdivia sent them by bus to Ancud. So tomorrow I can pick them up and hopefully I will fix my bike to continue some more days in Chiloe and then will go to Carreterra Austral once again for some days. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross