We Need Trees

Cycling around the world in support of environmental stewardship

My workshop in Roppen – Austria


Today I had a lovely workshop with only 7 years olds kids in Roppen-Austria. They could not speak Wnglish well but still was enough to communicate. A very short time (50 min) but still enough to build up a deep connection. I cant say how I love to work with kids and how I wnjoy being with them and juat spwnd time with them. At last we planted to plants in a pot as the earth was frozen outside and was impossible to plant anything. They will move them outside later in the spring when planting outside is possible and good for the plants.
Many thanks to my friends in Roppen who helped me to have this workshop.
Sonja Theiner Sonja Huter-Raggl Barbara Lott Alexandra Rangger We Need Trees Association



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Up to  December 2
Current location : Puerto Natales – Chile  
KMs cycled : 100,050 km
Days on the road : 4013
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Wheels of peace project


International Committee of Red Cross

We Need Trees Association

Picture of the day

Support my journey


November 17

After 6 amazing months in Argentina, I am in Chile now. At the moment I am far south in Punta Arena and will go north soon. I needed two days of complete rest and now I am just in a room doing almost nothing to recover my body and mind. Last month was very tense for me an da lot of work ( Of course traveling ) and my body forced me to shut down for two days. I will start cycling from Monday again.



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