Nelson and meeting Hoss


Nelson and meeting Hoss

I arrived in Nelson about evening and I was looking for the address I had to meet my Persian friend Hossein Kouhestani who is living in Nelson. I mad a mistake and after about one hour I found that I am out of Nelson in the other direction, just I U-turned and tried to find the address. Finally I found the address but it was a little bit late and His shop was already closed. I called him and after few minutes he was there and just I followed his car to his house to meet his family. Hoss is running carpet business in Nelson and it was so nice seeing many Persian carpet far from home.

I was in Nelson for 4 days. On the third day I was just walking on the street that I saw a girl who was so familiar to me, she was Karlota who I met her in Kotta Bahru in Malaysia last year when I was cycling with Rick. It was wonderful meeting Karlota and Lipo-her partner- in NZ after a year. We hugged each other and just we were laughing for that nice circumstance. We had a Asian food in a Thai restaurant and after that just we walked on the street for a while to share our experiences during the last year.

NZ had many caves and is a nice place for caving, I was happy that Hoss is a very keen caver and I could have a chance to do caving there, we talked about that and Hoss decide to take me to one of the cave near Nelson which is a quite difficult cave which has a deep wall about 40m and some 6-10 m. Hoss didn’t know about my experience of caving or climbing and also it was for more than 3 years that I have never touched the rocks and ropes or any climbing gears. It was very difficult for him to decide if we do that or not and finally we decided to do. It was a great news for me and I was so happy to experience caving in NZ. We were going to visit the Middle Earth cave which is located around Able Tasman. We left Nelson at 8pm and after 1.5 hours driving we were in front of the cave. We got ready but Hoss was still not very sure about me and it made him worry. I was out of home on the road and he didn’t like something happen for me and loose the journey and he was right due to we neither climbed together. I was excited and didn’t care about danger of what we were going to do, just I was thinking about going inside and visiting the river down inside the cave. It was the only thing I was thinking about. We began to work, after few small wholes and squeezing from the very tinny windows we were exactly on the top of the main deep wall. Hoss fixed the rope for self protection and he was just about making a rope down to go down through the rope for 40m. he was still worry and it was the time that he made a right decision….he told me we should go back, we cant go down and I accept that due to he was responsible and I was just following what he says. It was very hard for me and I was very upset but I knew that Hoss is very experienced and what he says is right and he knows everything much better than I do, so just we came back and I saw the sky which was completely dark and cloudy. I missed the chance but I am still alive and fine. However I hope I can find a chance to do caving in NZ and I am still looking for that. on the last day we went to the beach and just I lied down under sun shine which was so nice. At night like always I was awake till very late to pack my bags and in the following morning just I left the lovely family and beautiful angels to hit the road again and to experience the beauty of south island.

15 May 2008

نلسون و دیدار با هاس[i][1]

نزدیک عصر وارد نلسون شدم و دنبال آدرس دوست ایرانی ام حسین کوهستانی که در این شهر زندگی می کنه گشتم. اما اشتباه کردم و بعد از حدود یک ساعت متوجه شدم که از سمت دیگر از نلسون خارج شده ام ، پس دور زدم و سعی کردم آدرس رو پیدا کنم. بالاخره پیداش کردم اما کمی دیر شده بود و فروشگاهش تعطیل بود. باهاش تماس گرفتم واو بعد از چند دقیقه خودش رو رسوند و من به دنبال ماشینش تا خونه حرکت کردم تا خانواده اش رو ببینم. هاس در نلسون به تجارت فرش مشغوله و برای من دیدن کلی فرش ایرانی در اونجا، دور از وطن، عالی بود.

4 روز نلسون بودم. روز سوم داشتم تو خیابون قدم می زدم که دختری رو دیدم که خیلی برام آشنا بود، او کارلوتا بود کسی که پارسال وقتی با ریک در کوتاباهرو[ii][2] در مالزی رکاب می زدم،دیده بودمش.

نیوزلند غارهای زیادی داره و جای خوبی برای غارنوردیه، خوشحال بودم که هاس کوهنورد ماهریست و من اونجا شانس کمی کوهنوردی رو دارم، ما در این مورد صحبت کردیم و هاس تصمیم گرفت منو به یکی از غارهای نزدیک نلسون ببره که غار بسیار سختی با یک دیواره عمیق حدودا 40 متری و در بعضی جاها 10-6 متری است. هاس چیزی در مورد تجربه من در کوهنوردی و غار نوردی نمی دونست و همچنین بیشتر از 3 سال بود که دست من به هیچ صخره ، طناب و وسیله دیگه کوهنوردی نخورده بود . خیلی براش سخت بود که تصمیم بگیره این کار رو بکنیم یا نه تا اینکه بالاخره تصمیم گرفتیم این کار رو بکنیم. این خبر خیلی خوبی برای من بود و واقعا از اینکه غارنوردی در نیوزلند رو تجربه می کنم خوشحال بودم. با هم رفتیم تا غار میدل ارث که در نزدیکی ایبل تاسمن [iii][3] واقع شده رو ببینیم. 8 شب نلسون رو ترک کردیم و بعد از یک ساعت و نیم رانندگی به غار رسیدیم. داشتیم آماده می شدیم اما هاس هنوز هم در مورد من خیلی مطمئن نبود و این مسئله نگرانش می کرد. من دور از خونه، در جاده بودم و او نمی خواست که برایم اتفاقی بیافته و سفر رو از دست بدم و حق با او بود چون ما هرگز با هم صعود نکرده بودیم. من هیجان زده بودم و به خطر کاری که می خواستیم انجام بدیم توجه نمی کردم ، فقط به این فکر می کردم که بریم توی غار و رودخونه ای که اون پایین جریان داره رو ببینیم. این تنها چیزی بود که بهش فکر می کردم. شروع کردیم، بعد از چند تا حفره کوچک و به زور رد شدن از روزنه های خیلی تنگ٬ دقیقا به بالای دیواره عمیق اصلی رسیدیم. هاس طناب رو برای محافظت از خود ثابت کرد و می خواست اون رو پایین بندازه تا 40 متر با اون بره پایین. او هنوز نگران بود و اینجا جایی بود که تصمیم درست رو گرفت … به من گفت که باید برگردیم، نمی تونیم پایین بریم و منم حرفش رو قبول کردم چون او مسئول بود و من چیزی که می گفت رو انجام می دادم. خیلی برام سخت بود و بسیار ناراحت بودم اما می دونستم که هاس بسیار با تجربه است و حرفی که می زنه درسته و خیلی بهتر از من می دونه ، بنابراین برگشتیم و من آسمان رو دیدم که کاملا تاریک و ابری شده بود . این شانس رو از دست دادم اما هنوز زنده و سرحالم. به هر حال امیدوارم که شانس غارنوردی در نیوزلند رو پیدا کنم و هنوز دنبالش هستم.

روز آخر رفتیم ساحل و من زیر نور آفتاب که بسیار عالی بود دراز کشیدم. شب مثل همیشه تا دیر وقت بیدار بودم تا کیف هام رو جمع کنم و صبح روز بعد اون خانواده دوست داشتنی و فرشته های زیبا رو ترک کردم تا دوباره به جاده برگردم و زیبایی های جزیره جنوبی رو ببینم.  

[i][1] ) Hossein

[ii][2] ( Kotta Bahru

[iii][3] ( Able Tasman

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Up to  Febraury 19
Current location : Ancud- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,461 km
Days on the road : 4092
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

Febraury 18
 I am in Ancud, Chiloe. I am waiting here to receive my bicycle gears to fix it. My cassette and chain almost dont work and I cant cycle at all in any kind of uphill and I have to push my bike.
A friend of mine sent them from USA to Valdivia but they didnt arrive whle I was there myself and Jose, my Chilean friend in Valdivia sent them by bus to Ancud. So tomorrow I can pick them up and hopefully I will fix my bike to continue some more days in Chiloe and then will go to Carreterra Austral once again for some days. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross