Planting tree in Almaty
I got a contact through another member of Couch Surfing club I could contact for my project. I called Ariana but actually we couldn’t understand each other as she does not speak English. She called me back in the evening when she had one of her collogues around who could speak proper English. We organized to visit an orphanage. It was my only chance to meet kids here in Almaty because schools are already closed now for summer holiday. We went to the orphanage with Aigerim and Ariana. Kids were so sweet. They were really nice and cute. They showed me around their building, their bed rooms, library …etc.
we had a tea break where we could sit all around the table drinking tea and talking about trees. Afterward I showed them some of my pictures and then we planted a tree which was donated by Dauren from Pasadi Derevo. ( I already wrote about him and his project but anyway you can find more at
29 June 2011