Eduparc Biel-Bienne AG
On Friday, 8th of March 2013, Mohammad visited our school in Biel. The students were already excited to meet him, because we’ve seen his film about his work on Monday. So Mohammad and I came together early in the morning – by bike.
All in all Mohammad talked with three different groups and the students seemed to be very touched by his personality and his journey. Especially the pictures about the children having almost nothing to eat or being infected by HIV touched their hearts.
After the presentation we were discussing what we could do about the situation in the world. How can we influence those who destroy the woods? Is it possible to do something? We agreed that bad things can happen everywhere and it is only just luck where you’ve been born! It was not us that has decided where we live – so it is important to be very thankful. So what can we do to help? How can we prevent the cutting down of the trees in the rainforest? Mohammad explained that it is very important to do something in our own personal circle. Like planting a tree could be a sign, planting a tree produces oxygen, planting a tree is life, planting a tree is creating a better environment, planting a tree is the home of many animals, especially birds, planting a tree means peace and no war. Mohammad brings the people together – he loves nature and he loves us – the human being – even if we’re not perfect. A lot of bad things are going on in this world – let’s plant trees, this is something good!