We Need Trees

Cycling around the world in support of environmental stewardship

Planting tree in Lefere Peninsula Primary School


Planting tree in Lefere Peninsula Primary School

Sally was organized a school to talk and plant a tree with all those lovely kids who I met them in school. On Wednesday morning we went to a nursery to buy a tree and we diceded to give them a peach tree as a gift to the kids.

In school we met Mr.Mark who is the principle and then I had 2 classes to talk.

Again such a lovely day with all those nice kids and then plant a tree with them. The name of school was Lefere Peninsula Primary School.

Thank you very much Sally and all the teachers who helped me to have those two classes to talk and thanks to all those children who helped me to plant the tree.

10 Aug 2008

کاشتن درخت در مدرسه ی ابتدایی لفیر پنین سولا

سالی با مدرسه ای برای درختکاری هماهنگ کرده بود و من با بچه های دوست داشتنی در مدرسه ملاقات کردم .در چهارشنبه صبح ما به گلحانه رفتیم تا درختی بخریم.تصمیم گرفتیم درخت هلو بگیریم و آن را به بچه ها هدیه دهیم .مسئول مدرسه آقای مارک بود با ایشان ملاقات کردیم و سپس من در 2 کلاس صحبت کردم .باز هم روزی دلنشین با کودکانی زیبا و سپس کاشتن درخت با آنها .

 نام مدرسه مدرسه ی ابتدایی لفیر پنین سولا بود .سالی از شما و سایر معلمینی که در برگزاری این 2 کلاس به من کمک کردندو همچنین کودکانی که در کاشتن درخت با من همکاری نمودند، بسیار متشکرم.


[1][1] Lefere Peninsula

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Up to  December 2
Current location : Puerto Natales – Chile  
KMs cycled : 100,050 km
Days on the road : 4013
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

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November 17

After 6 amazing months in Argentina, I am in Chile now. At the moment I am far south in Punta Arena and will go north soon. I needed two days of complete rest and now I am just in a room doing almost nothing to recover my body and mind. Last month was very tense for me an da lot of work ( Of course traveling ) and my body forced me to shut down for two days. I will start cycling from Monday again.



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