planting tree in school 64 in Tbilisi
Here in Tbilisi I went to Red Cross to get help for finding a school to do my workshop. they kindly helped me to contact school 64. Maia from Red Cross was the one who made that contatcs and on Tuseday I went to school to plant the tree. If you have read my diary you would noticed that I am staying here with Latvians. Ugis who is my host, Yana and Gasper my Frenchfriend here in tbilisi also acompanied me for our workshop.
I was absolutely surprised as I saw pupils are already made a paintings and also they are having a environmental class. their teacher showed thema video and they were so busy. I really like the way they participate in their talk and I was sitting at the end f class happily listening to what their clean mind was florishing. afterward I had my workshop and we talked also about what we can do to keep our environment clean and healthy and at last we planted 2 trees together…
many thanks to Mrs. Tmamsikashvil the principle and Mari Smakharadze for her help to translate to Georgian.
4 May 2011