Planting tree in Seoul Foreign School


 just posted on my FB that I am going to S Korea. Straight away I received a comment from a friend in Bratislava. Urusla is the one who I was staying with them when I was there.
Urusla send an email to her friend in Seoul who is teaching in Seoul Foreign School and they kindly invited me to stay with them and also Ryan organized few classes to visit and have my workshops.
I couldn’t visit Sophie’s class because she had a quite packed schedule but still I had a chance to have a quick look at her class which was still good enough.
we didn’t plant a tree when I had my workshops in Ryan classes but we agreed to manage it to plant a tree after 2 days when I was going to leave Seoul.
I packed and loaded my bicycle and cycled to the school. Students all came out to plant our tree.  As always such an amazing time and specially it was my 100th school which I was planting a tree.
we planted our tree and I left to cycle toward south to a city called Daegu.
I was thinking how students would think about our program? I asked Ryan to have students feedback.
 came back again to Seoul and again I am staying with Ryan and Sophie.
Ryan forwarded an email which contains student’s feedback.  I began to read and as I was reading them the joy was growing and I was feeling my heart is expanding . such a joy to see how they feel and how they think about our workshop and it gives me a big hope to continue and do more.
Thanks a lot Ryan, Sophie, Nick and all lovely students.

Here you have their feedbacks:

Please add a comment describing your favorite part of Mohammad’s visit to our school.  It can be as short as one sentence or as long as a paragraph.  Mohammad is begging for material so that he can improve his website!  Many people visit his page and they want to hear from the students at his 100th school visit.


-Mr. H

Mohammad inspired me to go green. He was the one who changed my thoughts. He is the one making the difference. He is the one who’s taking care of the world.He was the one who went green. But most importantly, he was the one who inspired me. One tree makes a HUGE difference. We were lucky enough to talk to him and even plant a tree with him. I hope he inspires everyone else like he inspired me.

 Madeline Choi Y7C SFBS

 didn’t see him, but I saw the tree he planted and the things he does sound wonderful 🙂

Our world needs more caring people like this to make a difference, and our school is honoured to have him visit us as the 100th school 😀 Maybe one day he will reach 200 or even a 1000 😀


Our class was privileged with his marvelous speech in one of our science lessons, I hope he will continue to visit schools to teach more people about things we need to be aware of. I loved it the way he told us that you don’t need 20 pairs of pants to be happy, it heartwarming when he told us about trees. You can give it as a present or plant one for someone special, they may never see it, but it is there somewhere in the world growing and growing, giving us something essential. I really liked that part of his speech as well, because it makes you think, it makes you more aware and caring. At this point, the world needs new generations to fix the world from the disaster that could happen if we did nothing, and one way to start is by planting trees.

Paola, 9M SFBS

My favourite part from Mohammad’s speech was when he told us all the places he went to. I thought that this was really cool and motivating because as we have heard, he went to so many different places and most of them were on his motorbike. It was very inspiring how he said that he only had one pair of trousers and only about 2 pairs of shoes plus some shirts. I thought this was very interesting because normally when we go travelling we take like 3 trousers or more just to go somewhere for 2 weeks, while he is spending most of his life on a motorbike with 1 pair of trousers.

Megan Loney Y9M

We were very lucky to hear the truly inspiring speech of Mohammad and his journey in many countries. I was very astonished and learnt a lot from the video he showed us during our science class as it showed us the real world – what it really is, even now. I found that part extremely heart breaking where kids as young as 4 were searching in the trash can for food. Furthermore, it made me aware of the poverty and lives of misery that these people face every single day of their lives… This made me realise how lucky and privileged I am to have this wonderful life where I can eat food easily, I have shelter, while these kids die of malnutrition.

I was very touched by his speech and also his journey throughout many different countries and his stories. Despite all the sorrow he faced during this journey, it was great to know that he was planting trees. He was helping the world succeed. Doing something caring. Caring for the world today. No matter where it was planted, it would grow up, shine and light the world with happiness and joy. He did something caring that would help the world one day, and no matter where it was, if anyone could see it or not, it was a present. Something that is essential for everyone, either today or tomorrow.

Bhumika Bhatia Y9L SFBS

I think that the best things of his visit were that he showed us pictures and explained us a lot. Although his visit wasn’t very long for our class,it was really interesting how someone could only survive with a bicycle. He also made us think a lot about how lucky we were here in Korea… We all have Food and Homes and a worm bed to look forward during the day :)… Mohammed Thank you for coming

Kinga Gross Y9L

Though Mr. Muhammad’s visit to our class was short, it was long enough to impress us with his acumen and vision. His shining eyes clearly told us of his powerful determination to make a difference to this world. Despite numerous hardships and obstacles that impede and cripple him in his daring adventure, he still ventures on. The positive attitude and the resilient, reserved character of this savante was quite impressing.
The photos on his homepage was sufficient to remind us of what a fortunate world we live in, and that as much as we take things for granted, there are millions out there carrying out each day without the very basic necessities of life. Even today he continues in his lifelong mission of cycling around the world, and teaches us all to make a difference to this world in any way, a lesson which we, as the hope and future of this world, should all cherish and value throughout life.

Hyong Kim, 9L

The talk he did in our class made me aware that the earth was running out of trees, and how much trees people cut down. It encouraged our class to plant trees and do not waste so other children who do not have an opportunity gets one and to help the sick nature. Before he left, we planted a tree with 5C. Each of us put a handful of dirt to plant the tree. Next to the tree, we put in a stick with drawings that kids from our class drew on it, with the words WE NEED TREES. The event that Mohammad came was very influential for all of us, to plant trees and save our environment.
Despite all the things that we have to do to save our planet, it was also interesting to have a person who bikes around the world. On chuseok I had went on a biking trip and understood some parts the Mohammad felt. One example is that when he explained that a person cannot go that much of a distance with no aim, they get tired, and it happened to me. Also, I was impressed how he went far distances with all the weight of his bags on his bike. Meeting Mohammad was not an everyday event and I enjoyed it very much.

Jacob Kim Y7C-

It was great planting the tree in our school. It’s like a memory that will last and in 20 years you can come back and see how much it has grown. I was thrilled to plant the tree.  When we were planting the tree the year fives came with us so we were a huge group. It was kind of hard to see what was going on because many of the year fives stood at the front and they were all trying to get a picture. At last they moved out of the way and we could see. Later on Mr. Hammerberg told us to get in a line so we could each put some soil on the plant and Mr. Muhammad helped us. It was fun but dirty. At last I got to pour the water on the tree because I carried it the water to where we were planting the tree. I tried pouring a bit of the water in the bucket not to drown the tree but then I was told to take out all the water out of the bucket. It looked like a swamp. This was a great experience and we ended it by Mr. Muhammad doing a bicycle tour around our playground. What a great day!

Idan Shlesinger Y7C

It was really fun planting a tree with Mohammad. I really miss him so much already and curious about the trip. My favourite part was when we planted the tree. It will be my memory,.  Year five also came so it was kind of noisy, however it was really fun planting the tree.:d I couldn’t see that well because of Year Five taking photos with there phones. The tree looked beautiful. That was my favourite part when Mohammad came!!

I always see the tree we planted at break time and think about Mohammad. It was really fun planting trees it was a awesome day!!! I hope you come back Mohammad.!! 

Ryan Lee Y7C-

Tree planting used to be a boring thing which we got forced to do before your visit. I’ve NEVER had the excitment before when planting a tree! The tree will remember your visit-which was really cool. I’ve never seen people going down hills without a hand touching a handle, waving. Never seen people going crazy for a tree being planted. The tree: I don’t know… It was like a time when it is something which you wont ever forget. For example, if you gave us a teddy for our 100th school it would have just been in the BS office or science lab, maybe 1-2 people cuddling it but the tree… every year almost EVERYONE would go to see how much the tree has grown. The video’s you showed us inspired all of us to go green- some even vegetarian. You also told us many stories. It is very inspirational what you did: while we are dancing that we are going to be singers, actors or engineers. Living in mansions and having extraordinary cars; you decided to save the earth, have only 2 pairs of jeans and having your home on a cycle while we might have overflowing wardropes and lamborgini’s.

It’s lucky and an honour to be the 100th school Mohammad has visited. Thank you Mohammad for coming to SFBS! 😀

-Nishika Binnani Y7C


24 October 2013

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Up to  Febraury 19
Current location : Ancud- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,461 km
Days on the road : 4092
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

Febraury 18
 I am in Ancud, Chiloe. I am waiting here to receive my bicycle gears to fix it. My cassette and chain almost dont work and I cant cycle at all in any kind of uphill and I have to push my bike.
A friend of mine sent them from USA to Valdivia but they didnt arrive whle I was there myself and Jose, my Chilean friend in Valdivia sent them by bus to Ancud. So tomorrow I can pick them up and hopefully I will fix my bike to continue some more days in Chiloe and then will go to Carreterra Austral once again for some days. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross