Planting tree in Yazd

گزارش فارسی رو در انتهای متن انگلیسی مطالعه نمائید

Talking to kids about environmental issues

When I arrived to Yazd it was almost evening and I couldn’t visit department of environment in Yazd.
Mrs. Rezaei who is also one of the main member of “ weneedtrees” project and she works as an educationist in the project. Also she works in department of environment in Mashhad, so she was trying to organize a school to visit and in fact she did. Through department of environment in Yazd I had a school to visit but I arrived in the afternoon when school was already closed. Next day was Thursday and schools are closed in Iran, so I missed that chance.
There was another possibility!!! It was clean air week in Iran, so the department of environment held an event which was public cycling through the city and at the end of ceremony we were planning to plant a tree…I arrived at the ceremony in around 9 and they started at 9:15. But honestly it was like a mess. ..Nothing was in its place and people were cycling not in harmony.
At the end there was a draw were 25 bicycles could be won by participants.
It seemed that everyone just came to win a bike and the only thing was not on the priority was to think about the reason they had gathered which was to appreciate having clean air to breath and to find a solution for our current problems.
I was actually disappointed, even we couldn’t plant the tree and I left there…
After I get disappointed with that project I went to visit red crescent  department ( my journey has been officially supported by Iranian red crescent society) for help. They promise me to help but honestly I didn’t count on it.
It was Friday that a person called me from department of education to inform that there is a school organized for tree planting.  
in the evening also Mrs Yazdanparast who is principle of Seied alshohada girl primary school called me to inform that I can visit her school to plant a tree.
On Saturday I went to school to but a quite late as they had to provide a tree in advance.
I was surprised to see the was very well organized and I saw so much respect for kids, what I cant see in Iran very often and I think it is what we need in Iran more.

Planting tree in Seyed alshohada girl primary school

She warmly welcomed me and very soon I started the class. We were really in a deep conversation that their time finished and they had to leave school was pity to let the class ends before we get the actual result.
we went to the yard to plant our tree before they go but my heart still was there also my mind. I was quite upset that I didn’t finish my job.
I couldn’t leave the school like that and the next day was holiday.
After I talked to Mrs. Yazdanparast she kindly accepted to continue our class on Monday, so I just needed to stay one more day which worth it
On Monday I went to school to continue our class before I leave the city…I was glad that kids could ask most of their questions and I am sure there would be some kids who do something in future among all those kids.
I am happy I could do my job in such a school with all those lovely kids and many thanks to Mrs Yazdanparast and her kind staffs for their support and co-operation and also all those kids who are willing to provide me with drawings about trees.   

25 Jan 2012

زمانی‌ که من به یزد رسیدم عصر بود و خوب من زمان کافی‌ نداشتم که برم واسه هماهنگی‌ کارهای درخت کاری. واسه همین فردا صبحش رفتم به اداره محیط زیست. از طرفی‌ خانوم رضایی که مسول آموزش پروژه “ ما به درختان نیازمندیم “ است در اداره محیط زیست کار میکنه و پیگیر بود که با هماهنگی‌ محیط زیست یزد واسه مدرسه هماهنگ کنه و خوب این کار رو به خوبی‌ انجام داده بود ولی‌ اونها واسه چهار شنبه هماهنگ کرده بودند که من تو راه بودم.
روز پنج شنبه که من رفتم اونجا عملا مدارس تعطیل بود و تنها کاری که میتونستند انجام بدن مشارکت در مراسم همایش دوچرخه سوار‌ی به مناسبت روز هوای پاک بود و کشت یک درخت در انتهای مراسم.
من صبح به مراسم رفتم و قرار بود که بیست تا دوچرخه به صورت قرعه کشی‌ در پایان همایش به مردم داده بشه و یک مسیر رو هم همه دوچرخه سوار‌ی کنند.  ولی‌ خوب مثل همه مراسم اینشکلی که در ایران برگزار میشه آنچه که اصلا بهش نمیرسیم هدف اصلی‌ کار هست و این‌بار هم همایش به صورتی‌ بسیار نه منظم و به هم ریخته انجام شد و مردم هم گویا فقط اومده بودند دوچرخه برنده بشن.کاما اینکه من اشکال رو در نحوه اجرا و برنامه ریزی میبینم و اینکه صرفا قرار بود یک کاری انجام بشه و گویی امری بود که بایستی داده میشد فارغ از اینکه چه نتیجه ایی به دست آمد و این خیلی‌ رنج آواره که میبینی‌ چگونه سرمایه‌های این مملکت به باد میره و کسی‌ رو هم نمیگزه!!!
بگذریم که درد از این دست بسیار و من هم بنا ندارم به این بخش بپردازم.
پس ا زون رفتم سراغ هلال احمر و با توجه به اینکه با صلیب سرخ همکاری می‌کنم ازشون خواستم که پیگیری کنن و راستش اصلا فکرش رو هم نمیکردم که جدی پیگیری کنن ولی‌ روز جمعه از طرف سازمان دانش آموزی بهم زنگ زدند و گفتند که واسه یک مدرسه هماهنگ کردند و پس ا زون هم مدیر دبستان دخترانه سید الشهدا باهم تماس گرفت و خیلی‌ صمیمی‌ و مهربان پذیرا شد که به اونجا برم و واسه بچه‌ها کلاس داشته باشم.
از همون زمان ورود به مدرسه به سادگی‌ میشد متوجه ظرافت هوشمندانه ایی که مدیر اونجا سرکار خانوم یزدانپرست نسبت به آموزش و احترام به بچه‌ها داشت رو درک کرد و خیلی‌ خوشحال بودم که به یه مدرسه با اون سطح از کیفیت میرفتم و مطمئن بودم که بچه‌ها بایستی دانش خوبی‌ داشته باشند و این انگیزه خوبی‌ بود واسه کار.
روز شنبه رفتم بمدرسه و چون کارهای هماهنگی‌ رو بایستی صبح انجام میدادند کلاس کمی‌ دیر برگزار شد.
متأسفانه چون زمان کم بود کلاس ناتموم موند و وسط کلاس مجبور شدیم بریم واسه درخت کاشتن ولی‌ بچه‌ها پر بودند از سوال و من هم دوست داشتم که حتما تموم کنم کار رو واسه همین تصمیم گرفتم که ادامه کلاس رو روز دوشنبه ادامه بدم و خوب این لازم بود که یک روز اضافه تو یزد بمونم ولی‌ ارزش اینرو داشت که یک روز اضافه بمونم.کلاس خیلی‌ خوب بود و بچه‌ها خیلی‌ دوست داشتنی بودند و دانش خیلی‌ خوبی‌ داشتند و این خیلی‌ منو به شور میاورد و خیلی‌ انرژی داشتم که با اون بچه‌ها کار کنم.
روز دوشنبه رفتم و کلاس رو ادامه دادیم و باز یک ساعتی‌ رو با بچه ها بودم و خدا رو شاکرم که این لطف رو به من داشت که باز بتونم حتی ساعتی‌ رو تو اون فضای صمیمی‌ و با اون بچه‌ها سپری کنم و سپاس بسیار از خانوم یزدانپرست برای همه لطف و توجهی‌ که داشتند نسبت به این پروژه و من به عنوان یک انسان در مقابل  
همه تلاشی که ایشان برای تعالی روح انسانی‌ دانش آموزانی دارد که آینده سرزمین مادری من رو خواهند سخت.


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Up to  Febraury 19
Current location : Ancud- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,461 km
Days on the road : 4092
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

Febraury 18
 I am in Ancud, Chiloe. I am waiting here to receive my bicycle gears to fix it. My cassette and chain almost dont work and I cant cycle at all in any kind of uphill and I have to push my bike.
A friend of mine sent them from USA to Valdivia but they didnt arrive whle I was there myself and Jose, my Chilean friend in Valdivia sent them by bus to Ancud. So tomorrow I can pick them up and hopefully I will fix my bike to continue some more days in Chiloe and then will go to Carreterra Austral once again for some days. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross