Start again…this time in Iran


Start again…this time in Iran

It has been almost 4 months after I came back home….when I came back Iran, I was thinking which I may stay for a month or at most 2 but suddenly I found myself being stuck again. It was not something I could take it, it was not something I could even live!! While I am belong to the road where I can move, where I can see new things and where I can live my little kid inside my heart.

I began to start a NGO for “weneedtrees” which has been some kind of my aim before I start this project. It is not easy at all to organize a team specially when I am not there all the rime but fortunately I could find some responsible people who I can trust on their work and their concern for mother earth. 

But still was not enough to keep me alive, I cant stay somewhere that long even though I was doing something, my soul was in prison, and I was not that much happy which I am expecting myself.
I already had lost the season to be back in China nor Tajikistan, and I had to just wait for winter to pass…not a pleasant decision.
almost 10 days ago I went to visit a friend…I was in her house which I suddenly got an idea to cycle through Iran down to Persian golf while I have to wait for winter.
That small spark was enough to make me move. I left 4 days time form myself due to I was going to spend Yalda at home ( Yalda is the longest night of the year which Persian celebrate it with family ).
It Was Thursday and it was the time I was supposed to leave but cycling last few days in a very cold weather ( something like minus 7-9) had made me feel flu. At the morning I felt cold and weather still was too cold. The temperature was not important but having cold was something I couldn’t ignore it.
I had to rest and the next day also the same. I didn’t want to wait more, so I asked my friend to inject a dexamethazon and finally on Saturday I was ready to leave.
still I had something to be done before I leave, so it took me few hours to do them and I the city at around 13:30 which is quite late.
days are too short in winter and it is hard to cycle a long distance. Usually I don’t take lunch and I just cycle as much as I can.
First day I just cycled 55km and I camped behind a hill out of see.  It was a quiet place but of course cold at night.
finally after such a long time I was again alone in my tent, again in a bicycle trip, again in the nature and in peace. It seems that I am again living my dream and my inside kid was so happy playing and I was cheerful of that beautiful moments.
I camped at around 4:30….a very long night ahead. Almost 16 hours I should stay there alone till next morning before I could cycle again.
It was around 10 pm which my mountaineering trainer called me, he told me which he will come to have breakfast together next morning but honestly I dint think he will do that.

My first cam in Iran

In the morning I was almost ready to leave that Hossein Amani ( my trainer ) called me, he was close !!! I was really surprised. He drove 60km to have breakfast together which made me feel amazing.
He came and we talked and talked… I was thinking that we didn’t spend that much time while I was at home in the same city, we were quite close and we could meet so easy but now, it took him almost 4 hours for a round trip and breakfast but he did it. Always I have been asking myself why?  What can make people do effort for their friends, others or so?
The answer was absolutely clear….now I was living my dream and I was doing the right job, what people have respect for. I have learnt how important is to live our dream and how much respect people would have for !!!
we separated at around 12 and I continued toward Torbat. Road was almost flat but wind !!! I had a very strong head wind.
I arrived Torbat at 4pm and directly a friend ( Mr Hamed Hijizadeh) send me to the dormitory. After a short rest I went to sauna and then I had some kind of interview  with Mr Hajizadeh.
From Torbat I knew the road is just flat for next 220km. but again wind !!! again I had a very strong head wind. I was expecting to reach Gonabad ( a city 120km from Torbat ) but I couldn’t make it.
It has been for a long time I haven’t cycled and I was training just at gym, my muscles were not obeying well and I am not fit yet on bicycle.
35km before Gonabad there was a Telecommunication post, I was passing by that the guard invited me to have a tea with them.
 I was actually about to camp and I would like to camp out side in the nature…I was dreaming for camping in desert alone for a long time and now I have that chance. I should appreciate the chance but when the guy invited me I turned left and I went to the station where he already had made a fire.
There was TV what I actually hate and light while I could imagine how it could be nice inside the tent in silence. But people also are part of my journey and I cant ignore them. One of the reason I travel is to meet people and to live with them, so I tried to forget about camping.
I have enough loneliness, so now I can spend sometime with people who like to help and let them help, let them feel good which they are doing something so good and I feel it, I appreciate it and I am also happy.
the next day I left 8:30 in the morning….it seems that I am back to me normal life. I am again enough organized and I know exactly what I am about to do.
weather was so fine, sun shining and no wind but !!!tiredness!!! it was stupid. Everything was fine but I couldn’t cycle…my legs were out of command.
I was expecting to reach the next city called Qaien which was 135km from there.  Road was flat and everything was just perfect except my body !!!
after almost 5 hours still I had cycled 60km !!! no way …
I was about to stay somewhere but thinking of the next day and having that long distance to Qaien was pushing me to cycle a bit more.
I called my friend which I was supposed to meet him in Qaien at night…I told him I cant make it, I am too tired and I wont be able to reach Qaien. He just told me do a little bit more and let me know where are you camping at night.
suddenly I felt  supper power. I came to a challenge with myself.  Staying that long time at home actually brought the level of my courage so down. I began to think that to keep our courage high there is just one way …to have challenges all the time. It is somehow like a training for our mind.
I began to fight with myself and push my body…my body changed amazingly into a very good condition. I was absolutely surprised. Honestly I was not expecting that.
I was thinking if everything goes that well and if I have tail wind in the best situation I can make 120km by 4:30 pm. But it was almost a dream!!! I began to push and to keep my mind silent. I didn’t allow that to talk…I had to make it and the decision was already made.
it was 4:30 and my bicycle computer showed 119.650km. oh my GOD I made it.
It was like a victory, and I was so happy. It seems that I am really back again to the normal life.
I called my friend in Qaien…he asked where are you and my answer was “ just 15km to the center!!” it was totally dark which I arrived to the city. He picked me up and in 5 min I was at home, having tea enjoying  the pain in my legs which were totally cramped.
I stayed at home today to have rest and do my work.
tomorrow I will go to Birjand where my relatives from mother side are living.
28 Dec 2011

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Up to  Febraury 19
Current location : Ancud- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,461 km
Days on the road : 4092
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

Febraury 18
 I am in Ancud, Chiloe. I am waiting here to receive my bicycle gears to fix it. My cassette and chain almost dont work and I cant cycle at all in any kind of uphill and I have to push my bike.
A friend of mine sent them from USA to Valdivia but they didnt arrive whle I was there myself and Jose, my Chilean friend in Valdivia sent them by bus to Ancud. So tomorrow I can pick them up and hopefully I will fix my bike to continue some more days in Chiloe and then will go to Carreterra Austral once again for some days. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross