To cross Caspian Sea till Bynio

To cross Caspian Sea till Bynio

I look at my passport, already was stamped and I was inside the ferry looking at Baku which started being illuminated by all those colorful lights. There was some kind of peace again in my heart and such a joy and excitement for the journey I had a head to cross Caspian. I love sea, I love ocean and I really love endless horizon and now I was going to cross the Caspian where I could have endless horizon at least for 24 hours. The ship left port at 1am..I chose a nice cabin which had a window to the sea with nothing in between to disturb my view. I can even sleep in the stable but if I have a chance to be in a nice place I just try to be in a perfect place. I spent most of the time outside looking at the sea, for me it was like a chance and I had to enjoy every single moment.
Since I started learning how to live in present time always I feel this is the last minute of my life. So if it is the last minute enjoy it as much as possible, just appreciate it and indeed I did. 

out boat reached the harbor in Aktau around 10pm and I called Andrew ( From CS). I estimated to finish our administration work in 2 hours and I told Andrew which I will be at home late at night. But boat kept us waiting just near the harbor and we reached it at 12. I was expecting to walk out and to pass through the custom but I found out an officer will come to pick us. I was waiting and didn’t even sleep because I didn’t want to someone come and bother me. So I preferred to stay awake waiting for the officer. She came at 5am!!! I was so tired and sleepy. Again I had to face with some kind of custom process in a very Russian style like movies. There was a bus and they send us to the passport checking by bus, then again they checked my bags and again I had to come back to the ferry to pick my bike and again go through another process which was a bit boring, especially after 5 hours waiting in the ferry for passport checking. It was very early morning and I took a road which guided me to the city. I knew I will have around 45 min to ride to reach the city. Sun rose and I was blessed watching it while rising to bring some light and heat to the life. As soon as I entered into the city I found it so nice and peacefull…a city stretched along the Caspian. Many people I saw early morning running or walking outside and I could feel their peace. I was so happy to be here in Kazakhstan. Since the very first moment ( just out of custom) I began to love this country. Always to have the first impression from the people I ask them for an address. It is so easy to have a basic feeling about people in a way they answer even though it cant be always true but this is how I try to get closer to the people. If the first one answer in a nice way or even second one the same, still you can say everyone is like that but when 4 people answer in the same way which was so friendly and nice means they are lovely people. And I was absolutely right. I was at home tired and sleepy. I just needed some rest, some sleep.I was planning to stay 1-2 days in Aktau and decide where to go but Kazakhstan is so huge and hard to decide where to way I should make a plan. I just kept waiting for some sign to help me finding my way to cross Kazakhstan. I had some choices, going through South or the North and I had no idea how either of those ways looks like. Again confused and searching for a sign to help…also I had to manage my way somehow to be in the certain time to either Almaty or Astana to apply for the next visa before my current visa expired. I decided to take a train to a city and start cycling from that point. I packed and I left home but there was no train that day. I began to cycle…the first city was Beinio which was 480km on the east and a very bad road through the desert. I cycled almost 40km that I met an Iranian living in Kazakhstan. He invited me to his house and told me about the road which is reall bad. he told me there is a train for Beinio every hour and I should take that train. So I cycled back to the train station. I jumped in to the first train without ticket. it was crazy..I had no seat and I had to sit on a small bench for 8 hours. But a guy came and he gave me his bed to sleep for few hours. I arrived to Beinio 7am but there was no train for the city I thought it would be nice to go through.It was so hot in that city and windy, a city in desert with lots of sands, wind and heat. Not pleasant at all especially when I had nowhere to rest. There was no train for Astana or Gezelorda where I had possibility to make a plan one through the North and the other passes through the South. Still I had no plan where to go and how to cross Kazakhstan which made me more confused and I had to follow what is happening itself. There was a train for Gezelorda where I most likely would cycle through for the next day, but the heat and dust and also not having a certain place to rest made me tired, no way to wait for tomorrow. I found out there is a train at 8pm going to Aktube which is city 1000km on the north. I just wanted to get out of that city, but no ticket. Every 30min I kept asking the cashier about ticket and she was telling me niet!! Which means NO. I could get another train from Aktube to Gelezorda but for that time the only thing I was concern about was getting out of that city. I sat in the train station all the day. A 5 years drunk man invited me to have lunch with him but I was bored and tired and not enough courage to accept his invitation. finally it was 8pm and I jumped into the train with no ticket. of course I had no certain seat as well. But at least I was out from Beinio.

18 June 2011

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Up to  Febraury 19
Current location : Ancud- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,461 km
Days on the road : 4092
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

Febraury 18
 I am in Ancud, Chiloe. I am waiting here to receive my bicycle gears to fix it. My cassette and chain almost dont work and I cant cycle at all in any kind of uphill and I have to push my bike.
A friend of mine sent them from USA to Valdivia but they didnt arrive whle I was there myself and Jose, my Chilean friend in Valdivia sent them by bus to Ancud. So tomorrow I can pick them up and hopefully I will fix my bike to continue some more days in Chiloe and then will go to Carreterra Austral once again for some days. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross