Workshop and tree planting in Osnovna sola-Nova Gorica- Slovenia

I arrived 8 in the morning to Nova Gorica in Slovenia.
directly I went to bus station to meet with Ksenja who was a contact from a friend. she was organizing a school to visit and my first class would start at 8:45.
After drinking a coffee we went to the school and straight away I went to the class for my workshop.
I had 4 classes in the morning and it lasted all day till 13:00 and just after that was the time I could go to the place I was going to stay 2 days and change my cycling cloths.
as always it was amazing to have 4 classes that day and I keep hope to have some little changes coming from thos ekids.

here I have some words by Mojca Furlan, who is English teache rin school and helped me out with classes, translation and also putting in contact with some other teachers.
” Mohammad came to our school and was supposed to have just one lesson with my 9 graders (16 year old children). We mostly talked about environmental problems during that lesson because that is the topic we are discussing in our class at the moment. I found Mohammad’s presentation so interesting, that I decided to bring all of my classes to meet him and talk to him. The children were really interested in all the stories from his trips, they especially loved the photos, videos and were really impressed by the numbers of kilometres he cycled and countries he visited. Out 7 graders (13 year old) were very talkative and asked him a lot of questions. He told them the best present you can give a friend is to plant a tree in their honour. Eight graders (14 year old) were a bit more reserved as teenagers usually are, but they were listening to him with interest and admiration. Mohammad told them how important it is to follow your dreams and to trust each other. The nicest meeting was.with our 5 graders (10 year old) who were not shy at all and talked with Mohammad like with an old friend. Next day we also planted our national Lime tree with that class and we were all having so much fun. Now they are the protectors of the tree and Mohammad has become a legend in our school, all the pupils are talking about his visit!

Mujca Furlan”

And here there is some words from “Bajic Ahsen” a 10 year old student who was in the class
One day we were at school when we should have English, we went to ucijonice English. While I went to the library, I thought everyone left the classroom of English when I went up to the second floor to the classroom of English was nobody. I thought the teacher went to our classroom and that we have in our classroom English. But when I went down to our classrooms there was no one but fortunately our teacher was in the classroom I asked the teacher Gdjes all left she said to me: they went to plant a tree. I wondered how far the tree. When I came to my class saw Jedna man who planted the tree I wondered now that he is. When I asked I was told the other man from Iran who has toured the world with his bike in in I said to myself I have in front of you watch the most famous man in the world and when we planted a tree we talked with Mohammad and Mohammad went and whenever we name Time English, we went to the window and looked at the tree and we are reminded of that day and so lucky.


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Up to  January 14
Current location : Valdivia- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,650 km
Days on the road : 4056
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

January 14 
 I am here in valdivia since Friday evening. I almost finished cycling in Chile this time and only one part has left that I will do in febraury when the giant flies are gone. There are a giant black flies called Tabano in this area which kills you. They are really hard to take it. Now I am planning what to do and how to organize my coming months. A very challenging part of journey. 

My Speech in TEDx
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International Committee of Red Cross