We Need Trees

Cycling around the world in support of environmental stewardship

Workshops in 4 different schools in Stockholm

I met Wilfried 2 years ago while cycling through Spain. we passed each other as we were in opposit directions.
He just arrived from South America by boat and after 5 minutes chat we continued our way.
After 2 years later in November 2014, I came to Stockholm where he lives and he kindly organized few schools for me to visit and hve my workshops done there.
He also donated a tree and we planted that tree with kids in school yard.
The name of schools were : 
Kristoferskolen – Stockholm ( 2 times visit ), Drottningholmskolan – Stockholm,

Talkig to students about our workshop and presentation. discussing in groups to findsomesolutions for our problems. 

After all we planted a tree in Drottningholmskolan which was lots of fun and they were happy to plant a tree together. I was happy too…

in Drottningholmskolan we were playing wth trees, hugged them and we were trying to show our love for trees.

It was such a nice game to play around trees and hug them. hand to hand to support the trees.

I showed them some fact, short videos and also some of my pictures.

In this class with all those small kids we had lots of fun even though someone had to translate for kids.

A selfie with students background after our workshop.

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Up to  December 2
Current location : Puerto Natales – Chile  
KMs cycled : 100,050 km
Days on the road : 4013
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Wheels of peace project


International Committee of Red Cross

We Need Trees Association

Picture of the day

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