Yazd…where I could learn how to trust more

Yazd…where I could learn how to trust more

گزارش فارسی رو در انتهای متن انگلیسی مطالعه نمائید

The tallest wind tower in the world in Yazd

I was almost done in Isfahan and now it was time to visit Yazd.
Since I was going to cross desert I knew that I cant cycle to both of them and I had to ignore one of them. I had so many nice friends in Isfahan and also if I would go toward Isfahan then I could go through Iran’s central desert also and I could visit more places in desert but I would also miss Yazd.
so I decided to visit Isfahan first and then go to Yazd by car and continue cycling from Yazd.
I didn’t have any contacts in Yazd and I was trying to find someone to accommodate me while I am in Yazd but I didn’t succeed.
I was a  bit worry and it was stupidity to be worried after all those experiences I had. Always everything happens exactly the way I need at the moment but still sometimes I feel worry…honestly I feel ashamed after I see how they happens. I am a human and I keep chance for myself to make mistake because I am learning, so I am not worry about the mistakes I make. Just I should learn to do not make them again.
A night before I leave Isfahan a friend of mine called me and he said one of his friends likes to meet me. I was so busy that day and of course tired. The guy ( Vahid ) came to meet but we didn’t spend much time as I had so much to do and also not having enough energy to follow a conversation. 
just Vahid came and he said he has a friend in Yazd and he already organized a place to stay for me while I am in Yazd. So I already had a room with all facilities I would need including internet access which was just great.
I left Isfahan quite late. I didn’t wake up soon because I knew I am going to go Yazd by car, so I had enough time but I knew I wont go by bus because I hate of negotiating with bus driver about my bicycle which happens almost everywhere in the world.
anyway I was about to leave the city and I was thinking I may be able to get a lift by a truck or so and even I was happy if I could do it to NAeen and then from there again to Yazd. I was just thinking about it that a car slowed down while passing by, driver said hello and asked me to take a picture with him.
after I told him I am going to Yazd but by car he offered me to take me there if I can fit my bike in his car as he also was driving to Yazd. I was so happy and in such a situation I can fit my bike even in a very small car also.
so I went to Yazd and I already had a place to stay and just I needed some friends to company.

Atashkadeh ( fire temple ). this fire has been kept alive since 1550 years ago by Zaratostian

Koroush who is a member of CS had responded to my request through CS but we were supposed to meet up in Silk road hotel where he works.
 I met him in first day and it was the beginning of so many nice friendships. I made many friends there in Silk road hotel which were all wonderful. But there was an exception .Masoud an Iranian who lives in London for more than 25 years was there and we had met at first in a coffee shop.
the next day Vahid also came to Yazd from Isfahan and we were going to visit the city and I also asked Masoud to join us. Meanwhile he told me he likes to experience traveling by bicycle and I offered him to join to Shiraz..we borrowed a bike for him from one of our new friends from Yazd and he is now with me..
I was wondering how it comes that I offered him as I am not used to so. I am not used to travel with anyone and now I just was about to travel with someone who has no experience in cycle tourist but I just knew I had to trust my feeling and it is happening and I have to follow.
I was in Yazd for few days which was an amazing experience…it was so nice to be in such an old and beautiful city and I am so happy to have that chance to experience the city.
There was a lesson for me to learn which was what I got from Yazd.
It was another sign telling me hey Mohammad don’t be worry….everything would be fine, everything would be organized. But I Should admit it is not easy to learn even I have so many experiences but still sometimes I feel I am worry and I had to make sure about future..still I don’t fully trust even though I am moving. That’s true I am moving but it is so important to have a peace in my heart, truly peace.
I am still trying to learn it even though it will takes time to fully learn but I don’t blame myself for my mistakes, I am learning and I have right to make mistakes but I don’t keep that right for myself to make a mistake twice.
that can be wasting life and I shouldn’t waste my life as it is so important and expensive and I am responsible for that.
I am glad I visited Yazd and met all those lovely guys. For now I am cycling with Masoud toward Shiraz happily…
27 Jan 2012

کارِ من تو اصفهان تموم شده بود و خوب بایستی میرفتم یزد.
از اول که من اومدم این مسیر اینو میدونستم که بایستی انتخاب کنم یکی‌ از شهر‌های اصفهان و یا یزد رو و هر دو اونها رو تصمیم نداشتم رکاب بزنم.  از طرفی‌ دوست‌های زیادی داشتم تو اصفهان و همچنین اگه تصمیم می‌گرفتم برم اصفهان این شانس رو پیدا می‌کردم که روز‌های بیشتری رو تو کویر باشم و از طرفی‌ یزد هم خوب جائی‌ نیست که بتونم به راحتی‌ از کنارش رد شم و اون رو ندیده بگیرم واسه همین تصمیم گرفتم که اول برم اصفهان و از اونجا با ماشین برم یزد و از یزد به سمت شیراز رکاب بزنم.
صبح خیلی‌ زود بیدار نشدم و خیلی‌ با حوصله کار هم رو انجام دادم و ساعت ۱۰:۳۰ از خونه اومدم بیرون و این ابتدای همه لطفی‌ بود که خدا بهم داشته و داره و این واسه من یه جور برخورد بود با یکی‌ دیگه از ضعف ها و نگرانی هایی که گاهی وقت‌ها تو سفر داشتم و هنو زهم کمی‌ دارم.
من از مدتها پیش به دنبال این بودم که واسه اقامت‌ام تو یزد هماهنگی‌ کنم و باز همون ترس احمقانه ایی که گاهی میاد سراغم که اونجا بایستی چی‌ کار کرد و این بر باز خدا لطفش رو بهم داشت و بهم نشوند ادد که همه این ترس‌ها بیهوده است و بایستی اعتماد کرد و حرکت کرد.
گفتم که من تسمیمدشتم با ماشین برم یزد و نمیخواستام که با اتوبوس برم چون اصلا حوصله سر و کله زدن با راننده اتوبوس رو سر دوچرخه و اضافه بر و. ندارم واسه همین می‌خواستم برم تو جاده و هیچ هایک کنم. و با کامیون برم یزد.
هنوز از شهر بیرون نرفت بودم که یه ماشین اومد کنارم و بهم گفت که می‌خواد با من یک عکس بگیره. وقتی‌ وایسادم عزم پرسید که کجا میرم و وقتی‌ گفتم می‌خوام با ماشین برم یزد گفت که اون هم داره میره یزد و حاضر کیه من رو ببره اگه من بتونم دوچرخه‌ام رو تو ماشینش جابز عدم و خوب مسلما تو این شرایط من دوچرخه رو تو پژو که هیچی‌ حتی تو ماتیز هم جا میدم.و این سر آغازی بود واسه همه لحظات شاد و سرشاری که تو یزد منتظرم بود.
البته این شروع این جریان نبود و شب پیش ا زون یه دوست بهم گفت که دوستش می‌خواد منو ببینه و فقط واسه نیم ساعت اومد پیشم که من رو ببینه و تو همون زمان اندک اقامت من رو تو یزد هماهنگ کرد که یه تقریبا سوئیت دستم باشه تنها هم بودم و اینترنت هم داشته باشم و این خیلی‌ خوب بود واسم و من به راحتی‌ می‌تونستم هر کاری که دلم بخواد انجام بدم و هیچ محدودیتی نداشته باشم.
وقتی‌  هم که رسیدم به یزد با دوستان خیلی‌ خوبی‌ اشنا شدم که در واقع اولین در این ارتباط‌ها رو کورش واسم باز کرد.کوروش رو تو کوچ سرفینگ  باهاش اشنا شدم و گفت بود که بهم یه شب جا میده ولی‌ دوست داره همو ببینیم و من هم رفتم به هتل جاده ابریشم که اون خودش جائی‌ بود که خیلی‌ ارتباط خوب و ارزشمندی پیدا کردم.
توی این چند روزی که من اونجا بودم با مسعود اشنا شدم.مسعود ۲۵ سال لندن زندگیکرده و الان اومده که ایران رو کمی‌ ببینه و یه شب که رفته بودیم تو یه کافی شپ گفت که دوست داره که سفر با دوچرخه رو تجربه کنه و من هم بهش پیشنهاد دادم که با من بیاد تا شیراز.اصلا هیچ ایده ایی نداشتم که چرا بهش پیشنهاد دادم اونم زمانی‌ که من همیشه تنها سفر می‌کنم و واسم مهمه تنها سفر کردن.
مسعود از دوستانی که اونجا پیدا کرده بودیم یه دوچرخه قرض گرفت که همراه من بشه و خوب این اتفاق هم افتاد و با هم همراه شدیم.
اما چیزی که تو این مدت همش ذهن منو مشغول کرده بود این بود که همه اون نگرانی که من داشتم بیهوده بود و اینکه بعد از سالها سفر و روبرو شدن با همه این اتفاق‌های زیاد باز هم گاهی نگرانی میاد سراغ ِ من و این اصلا خوب نیست. بایستی بیاموزم که از این نگرانی‌ها راحت بشم و بیشتر و بهتر اعتماد کنم. بایستی با جسارت بیشتری سفر کنم.چیزی که گویا به خاطرش سفر می‌کنم..



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Up to  Febraury 19
Current location : Ancud- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,461 km
Days on the road : 4092
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

Febraury 18
 I am in Ancud, Chiloe. I am waiting here to receive my bicycle gears to fix it. My cassette and chain almost dont work and I cant cycle at all in any kind of uphill and I have to push my bike.
A friend of mine sent them from USA to Valdivia but they didnt arrive whle I was there myself and Jose, my Chilean friend in Valdivia sent them by bus to Ancud. So tomorrow I can pick them up and hopefully I will fix my bike to continue some more days in Chiloe and then will go to Carreterra Austral once again for some days. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross