Living in Islamabad

Living in Islamabad

I arrived to Islamabad last week and a day after I was going to Rose and jassmin garden to put my camp . actually I am belong to Hospitality club which has more than 200 thousands member all over the world .the members help eachother to thier city by accomodation , food , showing city and etc as they can . Regarding by the place which I had I told them I dont need accomodation and in the other hand there was hollydays for 3 .after leaving the place which I had I asked some of them but due hollydays they were out of city , so just I was going to make camp . I was on way that I got a message from Emma fairfax who is am american women living in Islamabad .she is about 45 and also so kind and hospitalble . Due to holidays I couldnt plant tree here and it took time more than I expected and in the other side I am waiting for a porcle which is posted from sweden by my great frinds Mats and Magnus nilson . I have here so many problem with rain and my panniers are not waterproof so Mats and Magnus posted an ortlieb set for me and I am so thanksful of them .However I planted tree yesterday but I couldnt leave Islamabad due to parcle and Emma also is hosting me . next few days is her birthday and just I can say happy birthday to her and nothing more against her kindness . during the time that I am here also a 27 hichhiker guy from Check repoblic came here who was Roman .He was really frindly and we shared our room for 2 night .now he is in north and maybe we can meet eachother in India .one night we went out to a Afghani restaurant to eat Kaboli kebab which is very delicuse food in Islamabad , not spaicy and very close to Iranian food . Today one other guy from HC came and piked me up and we went to post office and after that he showed me around and we had very nice special Pakistani food . Islamabad is very beautiful and clean and you can see the currect way of riding here , without using horne which was my most problem on the road.


در اسلام آباد


من دو هفته گذشته وارد اسلام آباد شدم وبرای برپائی کمپ رفتم به باغ رز وجاسمین.


البته میدونید که من عضو کلوپ بین المللی مهمان نوازان هستم که بیش از 260000نفر عضو در سراسر دنیا داره وهرکسی در شهر خودش میتونه به توریستها ومسافرانی که از طریق این کلوپ باهم رابطه دارند خدماتی ارائه بده از قبیل جا ومکانی برای اقامت موقت وپذیرایی با غذا ویا نشون دادن شهر ومحیط زندگی خودش به اون مهمون.


روی همین اصل فکر کردم که برای موندن در اسلام آباد بهتره که با یکی از این دوستان تماس بگیرم که البته ایشون در جواب گفتند که برای تعطیلات سال نو قصد مسافرت دارند ولی بعدا خودشون بامن تماس گرفتن ومنو به خونشون دعوت کردن.بله خانم(( اِما فایر فاکس)) یک آمریکائی ساکن پاکستان وزنی بسیار مهربان ومهمان نواز.


داخل پرانتز بگم که یکی از مشکلات بزرگ من بارش بارانهای شدیده وبا توجه به اینکه کوله های دوچرخه من ضد آب نیستن همیشه وسایلم خیس میشه


در ضمن اینجا با یکنفر دوست شدم که اهل جمهوری چکه و27سال داره آقای رومن در معاشرت آدم بسیار راحتیه وممکنه که ما هندوستان رو باهم سفر کنیم.


یک شب با ایشون رفتیم یک رستوران افغانی وجاتون خالی کباب کابلی خوردیم.این غذا توی اسلام آباد خیلی طرفدار داره وبسیار شبیه به کباب خودمونه وبر خلاف غذاهای پاکستانی اصلا تند مزه نیست.


یکروز صبح هم با راهنمایی خانم اِما سری به اداره پست زدیم وایشون قسمتهای مختلف شهرو بهما نشون داد.


اسام آباد شهریست بسیار تمیزو زیبا بامسیلهای فراوان


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Up to  January 14
Current location : Valdivia- Chile  
KMs cycled : 101,650 km
Days on the road : 4056
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

Last Update About Me

January 14 
 I am here in valdivia since Friday evening. I almost finished cycling in Chile this time and only one part has left that I will do in febraury when the giant flies are gone. There are a giant black flies called Tabano in this area which kills you. They are really hard to take it. Now I am planning what to do and how to organize my coming months. A very challenging part of journey. 

My Speech in TEDx
کانال گزارشهای رادویی سفر به زبان پارسی

International Committee of Red Cross