We Need Trees

Cycling around the world in support of environmental stewardship

Planting tree in Islamabad

Planting tree in Islamabad

Today I planted a tree in Islamabad with coperation of environment secretery of Islamabad . we had appointment at 11:30 in front of main gate of Fatimah Jenah park in Islamabad which is main and biggest park in Islamabad .it was great for me that people who work there was very carfull about preparing the whole and making a place for plate . they worked so carfull and everything was perfect .I am thanksful of Mr Orangzeib ,director of environment secretery of Islamabad for his favor coperation and his attention to this plan .and also Mr Habib helped me alot to orgnise this plan . so I did my job in Pakistan and I have to leave here and go ahead to grand India , the place which I am thinking about . India is my next destination and just befor that I will go to Lahor and I will stay there for 2 days to visit it and after that goodbye Pakistan .

کاشت آخرین درخت در پاکستان و در شهر اسلام آباد


امروز در پارک بزرگ شهر اسلام آباد معروف به(پارک فاطمه جناح)ونزدیک درب ورودی مهران مراسم درختکاری انجام شد که تلاش دوستان پاکستانی دراین امر قابل ستایش است چرا که برای محل کاشت درخت ونصب پلاک یادبود موقعیت مناسبی فراهم کردند.

ضمنأ من به لاهور برخواهم گشت واحتمالا بعد از یکی دوروز توقف جهت انجام مراحل قانونی برای ورود به هندوستان بزرگ با پاکستان خداحافظی خواهم کرد

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12 + seventeen =


Up to  December 2
Current location : Puerto Natales – Chile  
KMs cycled : 100,050 km
Days on the road : 4013
Countries I have traveled : 60
School visited : 303
Workshops in schools : 725
Trees planted : 3921
Next destination : I am in Chile and will go north
Longest distance in one day : 321.8 km
Next Event : Trying to find a school here in Chile

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International Committee of Red Cross
We Need Trees Association
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November 17

After 6 amazing months in Argentina, I am in Chile now. At the moment I am far south in Punta Arena and will go north soon. I needed two days of complete rest and now I am just in a room doing almost nothing to recover my body and mind. Last month was very tense for me an da lot of work ( Of course traveling ) and my body forced me to shut down for two days. I will start cycling from Monday again.



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